Source code for cnvlib.bintest

"""Z-test for single-bin copy number alterations."""
import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import norm

from . import params, segfilters

[docs]def do_bintest(cnarr, segments=None, alpha=0.005, target_only=False): """Get a probability for each bin based on its Z-score. Adds a column w/ p-values to the input .cnr. With `segments`, the Z-score is relative to the enclosing segment's mean, otherwise it is relative to 0. Bin p-values are corrected for multiple hypothesis testing by the Benjamini-Hochberg method. Returns: bins where the probability < `alpha`. """ cnarr = cnarr.copy() # Subtract segment means, if given, to report only the CNA bins that # weren't already detected (including exon-size CNAs within a # larger-scale, smaller-amplitude CNA) resid = cnarr.residuals(segments) if not resid.index.is_unique: # Overlapping segments, maybe? dup_idx = resid.index.duplicated(keep=False) logging.warning("Segments may overlap at %d bins; dropping duplicate values", dup_idx.sum()) logging.debug("Duplicated indices: %s", " ".join(map(str, resid[dup_idx].head(50)))) resid = resid[~resid.index.duplicated()] cnarr = cnarr.as_dataframe([resid.index]) if len(cnarr) != len(resid):"Segments do not cover all bins (%d), only %d of them", len(cnarr), len(resid)) cnarr = cnarr.as_dataframe([resid.index]) cnarr['log2'] = resid cnarr['probes'] = 1 if target_only: antitarget_idx = cnarr['gene'].isin(params.ANTITARGET_ALIASES) if antitarget_idx.any():"Ignoring %d off-target bins", antitarget_idx.sum()) # NB: bins no longer match the original input cnarr = cnarr[~antitarget_idx] cnarr['p_bintest'] = z_prob(cnarr) is_sig = cnarr['p_bintest'] < alpha"Significant hits in {}/{} bins ({:.3g}%)" .format(is_sig.sum(), len(is_sig), 100 * is_sig.sum() / len(is_sig))) # if segments: # return spike_into_segments(cnarr, segments, is_sig) # May be empty hits = cnarr[is_sig] return hits
def z_prob(cnarr): """Calculate z-test p-value at each bin.""" # Bin weights ~ 1-variance; bin log2 values already centered at 0.0 sd = np.sqrt(1 - cnarr['weight']) # Convert to Z-scores z = cnarr['log2'] / sd # Two-sided survival function (1-CDF) probability p = 2. * norm.cdf(-np.abs(z)) # Similar to the above -- which is better? # p2 = 2 * norm.pdf(cnarr['log2'], loc=0, scale=sd) # if not np.allclose(p, p2): # print("Max diff:", np.abs(p - p2).max()) # print("Median diff:", np.median(np.abs(p - p2))) # print("Ratio:", (p / p2).mean()) # Correct for multiple hypothesis tests return p_adjust_bh(p) def p_adjust_bh(p): """Benjamini-Hochberg p-value correction for multiple hypothesis testing.""" p = np.asfarray(p) by_descend = p.argsort()[::-1] by_orig = by_descend.argsort() steps = float(len(p)) / np.arange(len(p), 0, -1) q = np.minimum(1, np.minimum.accumulate(steps * p[by_descend])) return q[by_orig] def spike_into_segments(cnarr, segments, is_sig): if is_sig.any(): # Splice significant hits into the given segments # NB: residuals() above ensures hits all occur within segments cnarr['is_sig'] = is_sig chunks = [] for segment, seghits in cnarr.by_ranges(segments, keep_empty=True): if seghits['is_sig'].any(): # Merge each run of adjacent non-significant bins within this # segment, leaving the significant hits as single-bin segments levels = seghits['is_sig'].cumsum() * seghits['is_sig'] chunks.append( .assign(_levels=levels) .groupby('_levels', sort=False) .apply(segfilters.squash_region) .reset_index(drop=True)) else: # Keep this segment as-is chunks.append(pd.DataFrame.from_records([segment], return cnarr.as_dataframe(pd.concat(chunks, # pandas 0.23+ #sort=False )) else: # Nothing to do return segments