Source code for cnvlib.diagram

"""Chromosome diagram drawing functions.

This uses and abuses Biopython's BasicChromosome module. It depends on
ReportLab, too, so we isolate this functionality here so that the rest of CNVkit
will run without it. (And also to keep the codebase tidy.)
from __future__ import division
import collections
import math
import warnings

from Bio.Graphics import BasicChromosome as BC
from import renderPDF
from reportlab.lib import colors
from reportlab.lib.units import inch
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas

from . import core, plots

# Silence Biopython's whinging
from Bio import BiopythonWarning
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', BiopythonWarning)

TELOMERE_LENGTH = 6e6   # For illustration only
PAGE_SIZE = (11.0*inch, 8.5*inch)

[docs]def create_diagram(probe_pset, seg_pset, threshold, outfname, male_reference): """Create the diagram.""" if probe_pset and seg_pset: is_seg = False do_both = True else: probe_pset = probe_pset or seg_pset if not probe_pset: raise ValueError("Must specify a filename as an argument or with " "the '-s' option, or both. You did neither.") is_seg = bool(seg_pset) do_both = False # Consolidate genes & coverage values as chromsomal features features = collections.defaultdict(list) no_name = ('Background', 'CGH', '-', '.') strand = 1 if do_both else None probe_rows = core.shift_xx(probe_pset, male_reference) chrom_sizes = plots.chromosome_sizes(probe_pset) if not is_seg: probe_rows = probe_rows.squash_genes() for row in probe_rows: p_chrom, p_start, p_end, p_gene, p_coverage = tuple(row)[:5] if ((not is_seg) and (p_gene not in no_name) and abs(p_coverage) >= threshold): feat_name = p_gene else: feat_name = None if p_start - 1 >= 0 and p_end <= chrom_sizes[p_chrom]: features[p_chrom].append( (p_start - 1, p_end, strand, feat_name, colors.Color(*plots.cvg2rgb(p_coverage, not is_seg)))) if do_both: for chrom, segrows in core.shift_xx(seg_pset, male_reference).by_chromosome(): features[chrom].extend( (srow['start'] - 1, srow['end'], -1, None, colors.Color(*plots.cvg2rgb(srow['coverage'], False))) for srow in segrows) # Generate the diagram PDF if not outfname: outfname = probe_pset.sample_id + '-diagram.pdf' drawing = build_chrom_diagram(features, chrom_sizes, probe_pset.sample_id) cvs = canvas.Canvas(outfname, pagesize=PAGE_SIZE) renderPDF.draw(drawing, cvs, 0, 0) cvs.showPage() return outfname
[docs]def build_chrom_diagram(features, chr_sizes, sample_id): """Create a PDF of color-coded features on chromosomes.""" max_chr_len = max(chr_sizes.values()) chr_diagram = BC.Organism() chr_diagram.page_size = PAGE_SIZE chr_diagram.title_size = 18 for chrom, length in chr_sizes.items(): chrom_features = features.get(chrom) if not chrom_features: continue body = BC.AnnotatedChromosomeSegment(length, chrom_features) body.label_size = 4 body.scale = length body.chr_percent = CHROM_FATNESS # Create opening and closing telomeres tel_start = BC.TelomereSegment() tel_start.scale = TELOMERE_LENGTH tel_start.chr_percent = CHROM_FATNESS tel_end = BC.TelomereSegment(inverted=True) tel_end.scale = TELOMERE_LENGTH tel_end.chr_percent = CHROM_FATNESS # Assemble the chromosome diagram in order cur_chromosome = BC.Chromosome(chrom) cur_chromosome.title_size = 14 # Set the scale to the MAXIMUM length plus the two telomeres in bp, # want the same scale used on all chromosomes so they can be # compared to each other cur_chromosome.scale_num = max_chr_len + 2 * TELOMERE_LENGTH cur_chromosome.add(tel_start) cur_chromosome.add(body) cur_chromosome.add(tel_end) chr_diagram.add(cur_chromosome) title = "Sample " + sample_id return bc_organism_draw(chr_diagram, title)
[docs]def bc_organism_draw(org, title, wrap=12): """Modified copy of Bio.Graphics.BasicChromosome.Organism.draw. Instead of stacking chromosomes horizontally (along the x-axis), stack rows vertically, then proceed with the chromosomes within each row. Arguments: - title: The output title of the produced document. """ margin_top = 1.25*inch margin_bottom = 0.1*inch margin_side = 0.5*inch width, height = org.page_size cur_drawing = BC.Drawing(width, height) # Draw the title text title_string = BC.String(width / 2, height - margin_top + .5*inch, title) title_string.fontName = 'Helvetica-Bold' title_string.fontSize = org.title_size title_string.textAnchor = "middle" cur_drawing.add(title_string) # Layout subcomponents (individual chromosomes), wrapping into rows if len(org._sub_components) > 0: nrows = math.ceil(len(org._sub_components) / wrap) x_pos_change = (width - 2 * margin_side) / wrap y_pos_change = (height - margin_top - margin_bottom) / nrows cur_x_pos = margin_side cur_row = 0 for i, sub_component in enumerate(org._sub_components): if i % wrap == 0 and i != 0: cur_row += 1 cur_x_pos = margin_side # Set the page coordinates of the chromosome drawing sub_component.start_x_position = cur_x_pos + 0.05 * x_pos_change sub_component.end_x_position = cur_x_pos + 0.95 * x_pos_change sub_component.start_y_position = (height - margin_top - y_pos_change * cur_row) sub_component.end_y_position = (margin_bottom + y_pos_change * (nrows - cur_row - 1)) # Render the chromosome drawing sub_component.draw(cur_drawing) # Update the locations for the next chromosome cur_x_pos += x_pos_change # Draw a legend # (Rect coordinates are: left, bottom, width, height) # Bounding box -- near-bottom, center cur_drawing.add(BC.Rect(width/2 - .8*inch, .5*inch, 1.6*inch, .4*inch, fillColor=colors.white)) # Red box & label -- in left half of bounding box cur_drawing.add(BC.Rect(width/2 - .7*inch, .6*inch, .2*inch, .2*inch, fillColor=colors.Color(.8, .2, .2))) cur_drawing.add(BC.String(width/2 - .42*inch, .65*inch, "Gain", fontName='Helvetica', fontSize=12)) # Blue box & label -- in right half of bounding box cur_drawing.add(BC.Rect(width/2 + .07*inch, .6*inch, .2*inch, .2*inch, fillColor=colors.Color(.2, .2, .8))) cur_drawing.add(BC.String(width/2 + .35*inch, .65*inch, "Loss", fontName='Helvetica', fontSize=12)) # Let the caller take care of writing to the file... return cur_drawing
[docs]def bc_chromosome_draw_label(self, cur_drawing, label_name): """Monkeypatch to Bio.Graphics.BasicChromosome.Chromosome._draw_label. Draw a label for the chromosome. Mod: above the chromosome, not below. """ # Center on chromosome image x_position = 0.5 * (self.start_x_position + self.end_x_position) # Place at the bottom of the diagram? y_position = self.start_y_position + 0.1*inch # was: self.end_y_position label_string = BC.String(x_position, y_position, label_name) label_string.fontName = 'Times-BoldItalic' label_string.fontSize = self.title_size label_string.textAnchor = 'middle' cur_drawing.add(label_string)
BC.Chromosome._draw_label = bc_chromosome_draw_label