Source code for cnvlib.core

"""CNV utilities."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import sys
import os.path
from itertools import takewhile

from .ngfrills import safe_write

# __________________________________________________________________________
# I/O helpers

[docs]def write_tsv(outfname, rows, colnames=None): """Write rows, with optional column header, to tabular file.""" with safe_write(outfname or sys.stdout) as handle: if colnames: header = '\t'.join(colnames) + '\n' handle.write(header) handle.writelines('\t'.join(map(str, row)) + '\n' for row in rows)
[docs]def write_text(outfname, text, *more_texts): """Write one or more strings (blocks of text) to a file.""" with safe_write(outfname or sys.stdout) as handle: handle.write(text) if more_texts: for mtext in more_texts: handle.write(mtext)
[docs]def write_dataframe(outfname, dframe, header=True): """Write a pandas.DataFrame to a tabular file.""" with safe_write(outfname or sys.stdout) as handle: dframe.to_csv(handle, header=header, index=False, sep='\t', float_format='%.6g') # __________________________________________________________________________ # Sorting key functions
[docs]def sorter_chrom(label): """Create a sorting key from chromosome label. Sort by integers first, then letters or strings. The prefix "chr" (case-insensitive), if present, is stripped automatically for sorting. E.g. chr1 < chr2 < chr10 < chrX < chrY < chrM """ # Strip "chr" prefix chrom = (label[3:] if label.lower().startswith('chr') else label) if chrom in ('X', 'Y'): key = (1000, chrom) else: # Separate numeric and special chromosomes nums = ''.join(takewhile(str.isdigit, chrom)) chars = chrom[len(nums):] nums = int(nums) if nums else 0 if not chars: key = (nums, '') elif len(chars) == 1: key = (2000 + nums, chars) else: key = (3000 + nums, chars) return key
[docs]def sorter_chrom_at(index): """Create a sort key function that gets chromosome label at a list index.""" return lambda row: sorter_chrom(row[index]) # __________________________________________________________________________ # More helpers
[docs]def assert_equal(msg, **values): """Evaluate and compare two or more values for equality. Sugar for a common assertion pattern. Saves re-evaluating (and retyping) the same values for comparison and error reporting. Example: >>> assert_equal("Mismatch", expected=1, saw=len(['xx', 'yy'])) ... ValueError: Mismatch: expected = 1, saw = 2 """ ok = True key1, val1 = values.popitem() msg += ": %s = %r" % (key1, val1) for okey, oval in values.iteritems(): msg += ", %s = %r" % (okey, oval) if oval != val1: ok = False if not ok: raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]def check_unique(items, title): """Ensure all items in an iterable are identical; return that one item.""" its = set(items) assert len(its) == 1, ("Inconsistent %s keys: %s" % (title, ' '.join(map(str, sorted(its))))) return its.pop()
[docs]def fbase(fname): """Strip directory and all extensions from a filename.""" return os.path.basename(fname).split('.', 1)[0]
[docs]def rbase(fname): """Strip directory and final extension from a filename.""" return os.path.basename(fname).rsplit('.', 1)[0]