Source code for cnvlib.segmentation

"""Segmentation of copy number values."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division
import math
import os.path

from .. import core, ngfrills, params
from ..cnarray import CopyNumArray as CNA

from Bio._py3k import StringIO

[docs]def do_segmentation(probes_fname, save_dataframe, method, rlibpath=None): """Infer copy number segments from the given coverage table.""" if not os.path.isfile(probes_fname): raise ValueError("Not a file: %s" % probes_fname) if method == 'haar': from . import haar probes = return haar.segment_haar(probes) # Run R to calculate copy number segments (CBS) if method == 'cbs': rscript = CBS_RSCRIPT elif method == 'flasso': rscript = FLASSO_RSCRIPT else: raise ValueError("Unknown method %r" % method) if rlibpath: rscript = rscript.replace("# libPaths", '.libPaths(c("%s"))' % rlibpath) sample_id = core.fbase(probes_fname) with ngfrills.temp_write_text(rscript % (probes_fname, params.MIN_BIN_COVERAGE, sample_id) ) as script_fname: seg_out = ngfrills.call_quiet('Rscript', script_fname) # Convert R dataframe contents to our standard 'basic' format out_data = [] for row in core.parse_tsv(StringIO(seg_out)): if row[0].startswith(('[', '"sample')): continue start, end = [int(math.ceil(float(val))) for val in row[2:4]] chrom = row[1].strip('"') nloci = int(row[4]) mean_cvg = float(row[5]) name = 'G' if mean_cvg >= 0. else 'L' # Save output out_data.append((chrom, start, end, name, mean_cvg, nloci)) seg_pset = CNA.from_rows(sample_id, out_data, extra_keys=('probes',)) seg_pset.sort() if method == 'flasso': seg_pset = squash_segments(seg_pset) if save_dataframe: return seg_pset, seg_out else: return seg_pset
[docs]def squash_segments(seg_pset): """Combine contiguous segments.""" curr_chrom = None curr_start = None curr_end = None curr_val = None curr_cnt = 0 squashed_rows = [] for row in seg_pset: if row['chromosome'] == curr_chrom and row['coverage'] == curr_val: # Continue the current segment curr_end = row['end'] curr_cnt += 1 else: # Segment break # Finish the current segment if curr_cnt: squashed_rows.append((curr_chrom, curr_start, curr_end, ('G' if curr_val >= 0. else 'L'), curr_val, curr_cnt)) # Start a new segment curr_chrom = row['chromosome'] curr_start = row['start'] curr_end = row['end'] curr_val = row['coverage'] curr_cnt = 1 # Remainder squashed_rows.append((curr_chrom, curr_start, curr_end, ('G' if curr_val >= 0. else 'L'), curr_val, curr_cnt)) return seg_pset.to_rows(squashed_rows)
CBS_RSCRIPT = """\ #!/usr/bin/env Rscript # Calculate copy number segmentation by CBS. # Input: log2 coverage data in Nexus 'basic' format # Output: the CBS data table # libPaths library('PSCBS') # Requires: R.utils, R.oo, R.methodsS3 write("Loading probe coverages into a data frame", stderr()) tbl = read.delim("%s") tbl = tbl[tbl$log2 >= %d,] # Ignore low-coverage probes chrom_rle = rle(as.character(tbl$chromosome)) chrom_names = chrom_rle$value chrom_lengths = chrom_rle$lengths chrom_ids = rep(1:length(chrom_names), chrom_lengths) if (is.null(tbl$weight)) { cna = data.frame(chromosome=chrom_ids, x=tbl$start, y=tbl$log2) } else { cna = data.frame(chromosome=chrom_ids, x=tbl$start, y=tbl$log2, w=tbl$weight) } write("Pre-processing the probe data for segmentation", stderr()) # Find and exclude the centromere of each chromosome largegaps = findLargeGaps(cna, minLength=1e6) if (is.null(largegaps)) { knownsegs = NULL } else { # Choose the largest gap in each chromosome and only omit that rows_to_keep = c() for (i in 1:length(chrom_names)) { curr_chrom_mask = (largegaps$chromosome == i) if (sum(curr_chrom_mask)) { best = which( curr_chrom_mask & (largegaps$length == max(largegaps[curr_chrom_mask,]$length)) ) rows_to_keep = c(rows_to_keep, best) } } knownsegs = gapsToSegments(largegaps[rows_to_keep,]) } write("Segmenting the probe data", stderr()) fit = segmentByCBS(cna, alpha=.0001, undo=1, min.width=2, joinSegments=FALSE, knownSegments=knownsegs, seed=0xA5EED) write("Setting segment endpoints to original bin start/end positions", stderr()) write("and recalculating segment means with bin weights", stderr()) for (idx in 1:nrow(fit$output)) { if (!$segRows$startRow[idx])) { start_bin = fit$segRows$startRow[idx] end_bin = fit$segRows$endRow[idx] fit$output$start[idx] = tbl$start[start_bin] fit$output$end[idx] = tbl$end[end_bin] fit$output$mean[idx] = weighted.mean(tbl$log2[start_bin:end_bin], tbl$weight[start_bin:end_bin]) } } write("Restoring the original chromosome names", stderr()) fit$output$sampleName = '%s' out = na.omit(fit$output) # Copy for lookup in the loop out2 = na.omit(fit$output) # Copy to modify for (i in 1:length(chrom_names)) { out2[out$chromosome == i,]$chromosome = chrom_names[i] } write("Printing the CBS table to standard output", stderr()) write.table(out2, '', sep='\t', row.names=FALSE) """ FLASSO_RSCRIPT = """\ #!/usr/bin/env Rscript # Calculate copy number segmentation by CBS. # Input: log2 coverage data in Nexus 'basic' format # Output: the CBS data table # libPaths library('cghFLasso') tbl <- read.delim("%s") # Ignore low-coverage probes tbl <- tbl[tbl$log2 >= %d,] positions <- (tbl$start + tbl$end) * 0.5 write("Segmenting the probe data", stderr()) fit <- cghFLasso(tbl$log2, FDR=0.005) # Reformat the output table as SEG outtable <- data.frame(sample="%s", chromosome=tbl$chromosome, start=tbl$start, end=tbl$end, nprobes=1, value=fit$Esti.CopyN) write("Printing the segment table to standard output", stderr()) write.table(outtable, '', sep='\t', row.names=FALSE) """