Source code for cnvlib.reference

"""Supporting functions for the 'reference' command."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import logging

import numpy as np
from Bio._py3k import map, zip

from . import core, fix, metrics, ngfrills, params
from .cnary import CopyNumArray as CNA
from .rary import RegionArray as RA

[docs]def bed2probes(bed_fname): """Create neutral-coverage probes from intervals.""" regions = table =[:, ("chromosome", "start", "end")] table["gene"] = (["name"] if "name" in else '-') table["log2"] = 0.0 table["spread"] = 0.0 return CNA(table, {"sample_id": core.fbase(bed_fname)})
[docs]def combine_probes(filenames, fa_fname, is_male_reference, skip_low, fix_gc, fix_edge, fix_rmask): """Calculate the median coverage of each bin across multiple samples. Input: List of .cnn files, as generated by 'coverage' or 'import-picard'. `fa_fname`: fil columns for GC and RepeatMasker genomic values. Returns: A single CopyNumArray summarizing the coverages of the input samples, including each bin's "average" coverage, "spread" of coverages, and genomic GC content. """ columns = {} # Load coverage from target/antitarget files"Loading %s", filenames[0]) cnarr1 =[0]) if not len(cnarr1): # Just create an empty array with the right columns col_names = ['chromosome', 'start', 'end', 'gene', 'log2'] if 'gc' in cnarr1 or fa_fname: col_names.append('gc') if fa_fname: col_names.append('rmask') col_names.append('spread') return CNA.from_rows([], col_names, {'sample_id': "reference"}) # Calculate GC and RepeatMasker content for each probe's genomic region if fa_fname and (fix_rmask or fix_gc): gc, rmask = get_fasta_stats(cnarr1, fa_fname) if fix_gc: columns['gc'] = gc if fix_rmask: columns['rmask'] = rmask elif 'gc' in cnarr1 and fix_gc: # Reuse .cnn GC values if they're already stored (via import-picard) gc = cnarr1['gc'] columns['gc'] = gc # Make the sex-chromosome coverages of male and female samples compatible is_chr_x = (cnarr1.chromosome == cnarr1._chr_x_label) is_chr_y = (cnarr1.chromosome == cnarr1._chr_y_label) flat_coverage = cnarr1.expect_flat_cvg(is_male_reference) def shift_sex_chroms(cnarr): """Shift sample X and Y chromosomes to match the reference gender. Reference values: XY: chrX -1, chrY -1 XX: chrX 0, chrY -1 Plan: chrX: xx sample, xx ref: 0 (from 0) xx sample, xy ref: -= 1 (from -1) xy sample, xx ref: += 1 (from 0) +1 xy sample, xy ref: 0 (from -1) +1 chrY: xx sample, xx ref: = -1 (from -1) xx sample, xy ref: = -1 (from -1) xy sample, xx ref: 0 (from -1) +1 xy sample, xy ref: 0 (from -1) +1 """ is_sample_female = cnarr.guess_xx() cnarr['log2'] += flat_coverage if is_sample_female: # chrX already OK # No chrY; it's all noise, so just match the male cnarr[is_chr_y, 'log2'] = -1.0 else: # 1/2 #copies of each sex chromosome cnarr[is_chr_x | is_chr_y, 'log2'] += 1.0 edge_bias = fix.get_edge_bias(cnarr1, params.INSERT_SIZE) def bias_correct_coverage(cnarr): """Perform bias corrections on the sample.""" cnarr.center_all(skip_low=skip_low) shift_sex_chroms(cnarr) # Skip bias corrections if most bins have no coverage (e.g. user error) if (cnarr['log2'] > params.NULL_LOG2_COVERAGE - params.MIN_REF_COVERAGE ).sum() <= len(cnarr) // 2: logging.warn("WARNING: most bins have no or very low coverage; " "check that the right BED file was used") else: if 'gc' in columns and fix_gc:"Correcting for GC bias...") cnarr = fix.center_by_window(cnarr, .1, columns['gc']) if 'rmask' in columns and fix_rmask:"Correcting for RepeatMasker bias...") cnarr = fix.center_by_window(cnarr, .1, columns['rmask']) if fix_edge:"Correcting for density bias...") cnarr = fix.center_by_window(cnarr, .1, edge_bias) return cnarr['log2'] # Pseudocount of 1 "flat" sample all_coverages = [flat_coverage, bias_correct_coverage(cnarr1)] for fname in filenames[1:]:"Loading target %s", fname) cnarrx = # Bin information should match across all files if not (len(cnarr1) == len(cnarrx) and (cnarr1.chromosome == cnarrx.chromosome).all() and (cnarr1.start == cnarrx.start).all() and (cnarr1.end == cnarrx.end).all() and (cnarr1['gene'] == cnarrx['gene']).all()): raise RuntimeError("%s probes do not match those in %s" % (fname, filenames[0])) all_coverages.append(bias_correct_coverage(cnarrx)) all_coverages = np.vstack(all_coverages)"Calculating average bin coverages") cvg_centers = np.apply_along_axis(metrics.biweight_location, 0, all_coverages)"Calculating bin spreads") spreads = np.apply_along_axis(metrics.biweight_midvariance, 0, all_coverages) columns['spread'] = spreads columns.update({ 'chromosome': cnarr1.chromosome, 'start': cnarr1.start, 'end': cnarr1.end, 'gene': cnarr1['gene'], 'log2': cvg_centers, }) return CNA.from_columns(columns, {'sample_id': "reference"})
[docs]def warn_bad_probes(probes): """Warn about target probes where coverage is poor. Prints a formatted table to stderr. """ bad_probes = probes[fix.mask_bad_probes(probes)] fg_index = (bad_probes['gene'] != 'Background') fg_bad_probes = bad_probes[fg_index] if len(fg_bad_probes) > 0: bad_pct = 100 * len(fg_bad_probes) / sum(probes['gene'] != 'Background')"Targets: %d (%s) bins failed filters:", len(fg_bad_probes), "%.4f" % bad_pct + '%') gene_cols = max(map(len, fg_bad_probes['gene'])) labels = list(map(CNA.row2label, fg_bad_probes)) chrom_cols = max(map(len, labels)) last_gene = None for label, probe in zip(labels, fg_bad_probes): if probe.gene == last_gene: gene = ' "' else: gene = probe.gene last_gene = gene if 'rmask' in probes:" %s %s coverage=%.3f spread=%.3f rmask=%.3f", gene.ljust(gene_cols), label.ljust(chrom_cols), probe.log2, probe.spread, probe.rmask) else:" %s %s coverage=%.3f spread=%.3f", gene.ljust(gene_cols), label.ljust(chrom_cols), probe.log2, probe.spread) # Count the number of BG probes dropped, too (names are all "Background") bg_bad_probes = bad_probes[~fg_index] if len(bg_bad_probes) > 0: bad_pct = 100 * len(bg_bad_probes) / sum(probes['gene'] == 'Background')"Antitargets: %d (%s) bins failed filters", len(bg_bad_probes), "%.4f" % bad_pct + '%')
[docs]def get_fasta_stats(probes, fa_fname): """Calculate GC and RepeatMasker content of each bin in the FASTA genome.""" fa_coords = zip(probes.chromosome, probes.start, probes.end)"Calculating GC and RepeatMasker content in %s ...", fa_fname) gc_rm_vals = [calculate_gc_lo(subseq) for subseq in ngfrills.fasta_extract_regions(fa_fname, fa_coords)] gc_vals, rm_vals = zip(*gc_rm_vals) return np.asfarray(gc_vals), np.asfarray(rm_vals)
[docs]def calculate_gc_lo(subseq): """Calculate the GC and lowercase (RepeatMasked) content of a string.""" cnt_at_lo = subseq.count('a') + subseq.count('t') cnt_at_up = subseq.count('A') + subseq.count('T') cnt_gc_lo = subseq.count('g') + subseq.count('c') cnt_gc_up = subseq.count('G') + subseq.count('C') tot = float(cnt_gc_up + cnt_gc_lo + cnt_at_up + cnt_at_lo) if not tot: return 0.0, 0.0 frac_gc = (cnt_gc_lo + cnt_gc_up) / tot frac_lo = (cnt_at_lo + cnt_gc_lo) / tot return frac_gc, frac_lo
[docs]def reference2regions(reference, coord_only=False): """Extract iterables of target and antitarget regions from a reference. Like loading two BED files with ngfrills.parse_regions. """ cna2rows = (_cna2coords if coord_only else _cna2regions) return map(cna2rows, _ref_split_targets(reference))
def _cna2coords(cnarr): """Extract the coordinate columns from a CopyNumberArray""" return zip(cnarr['chromosome'], cnarr['start'], cnarr['end']) def _cna2regions(cnarr): """Extract the region columns (including genes) from a CopyNumberArray""" return zip(cnarr['chromosome'], cnarr['start'], cnarr['end'], cnarr['gene']) def _ref_split_targets(ref_arr): """Split reference into 2 sub-arrays of targets/antitargets.""" is_bg = (ref_arr['gene'] == 'Background') targets = ref_arr[~is_bg] antitargets = ref_arr[is_bg] return targets, antitargets