Whole-genome sequencing and targeted amplicon capture

CNVkit is primarily designed for use on hybrid capture sequencing data, where off-target reads are present and can be used improve copy number estimates. However, CNVkit can also be used on whole-genome sequencing (WGS) and targeted amplicon sequencing (TAS) datasets by using alternative command-line options.

The batch command supports these workflows through the -m/--method option.

Whole-Genome Sequencing (WGS)

CNVkit treats WGS data as a capture of all of the genome’s sequencing-accessible regions, with no off-target regions.

The batch --method wgs option uses the given reference genome’s sequencing-accessible regions (“access” BED) as the “targets” – these will be calculated on the fly if not provided. No “antitarget” regions are used. Since the input does not contain useful per-target gene labels, a gene annotation database is required and used to label genes in the outputs:

cnvkit.py batch -m wgs -g data/access-5kb-mappable.hg19.bed --annotate refFlat.txt *.bam


cnvkit.py target data/access-5kb-mappable.hg19.bed --split --short-names --annotate refFlat.txt -o targets.bed
# For each sample
cnvkit.py coverage Sample.bam targets.bed -p 0 -o Sample.targetcoverage.cnn
# Create an empty antitarget coverage file, header only
head -n1 Sample.targetcoverage.cnn -o Sample.antitargetcoverage.cnn
cnvkit.py reference *.targetcoverage.cnn *.antitargetcoverage.cnn -o ref-wgs.cnn
cnvkit.py fix Sample.targetcoverage.cnn Sample.antitargetcoverage.cnn ref-wgs.cnn --no-edge

To speed up WGS analyses, try any or all of the following:

  • Instead of analyzing the whole genome, use the “access” or “target” BED file to limit the analysis to just the genic regions. You can get such a BED file from the [UCSC Genome Browser](https://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables), for example.
  • Increase the “target” average bin size to 500 or 1000 bases.
  • Specify a smaller p-value threshold (segment -t). For the CBS method, 1e-6 may work well.
  • Use the -p/--processes option in the batch, coverage and segment commands to ensure all available CPUs are used.
  • Ensure you are using the most recent version of CNVkit. Each release includes some performance improvements.

The batch -m wgs option does all of these except the first automatically.

Targeted Amplicon Sequencing (TAS)

When amplicon sequencing is used as a targeted capture method, no off-target reads are sequenced. While this limits the copy number information available in the sequencing data versus hybrid capture, CNVkit can analyze TAS data using only on-target coverages and excluding all off-target regions from the analysis.

The batch -m amplicon option uses the given targets to infer coverage, and leaves the antitarget coverage file empty:

cnvkit.py batch -m amplicon -t targets.bed *.bam


cnvkit.py target targets.bed --split -o targets.split.bed
# For each sample
cnvkit.py coverage Sample.bam targets.split.bed -p 0 -o Sample.targetcoverage.cnn
# Create an empty antitarget coverage file, header only
head -n1 Sample.targetcoverage.cnn -o Sample.antitargetcoverage.cnn
cnvkit.py reference *.targetcoverage.cnn *.antitargetcoverage.cnn -o ref-tas.cnn
cnvkit.py fix Sample.targetcoverage.cnn Sample.antitargetcoverage.cnn ref-tas.cnn --no-edge

This approach does not collect any copy number information between targeted regions, so it should only be used if you have in fact prepared your samples with a targeted amplicon sequencing protocol. It also does not attempt to normalize each amplicon at the gene level, though this may be addressed in a future version of CNVkit.