Source code for cnvlib.coverage

"""Supporting functions for the 'antitarget' command."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from builtins import zip
from past.builtins import basestring

import logging
import math
import os.path
import time
from concurrent import futures

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pysam
from Bio._py3k import StringIO

from . import core, samutil, tabio
from .cnary import CopyNumArray as CNA
from .parallel import rm, to_chunks
from .params import NULL_LOG2_COVERAGE

[docs]def do_coverage(bed_fname, bam_fname, by_count=False, min_mapq=0, processes=1): """Calculate coverage in the given regions from BAM read depths.""" if not samutil.ensure_bam_sorted(bam_fname): raise RuntimeError("BAM file %s must be sorted by coordinates" % bam_fname) samutil.ensure_bam_index(bam_fname) # ENH: count importers.TOO_MANY_NO_COVERAGE & warn cnarr = interval_coverages(bed_fname, bam_fname, by_count, min_mapq, processes) return cnarr
[docs]def interval_coverages(bed_fname, bam_fname, by_count, min_mapq, processes): """Calculate log2 coverages in the BAM file at each interval.""" meta = {'sample_id': core.fbase(bam_fname)} start_time = time.time() # Skip processing if the BED file is empty with open(bed_fname) as bed_handle: for line in bed_handle: if line.strip(): break else:"Skip processing %s with empty regions file %s", os.path.basename(bam_fname), bed_fname) return CNA.from_rows([], meta_dict=meta) # Calculate average read depth in each bin if by_count: results = interval_coverages_count(bed_fname, bam_fname, min_mapq, processes) read_counts, cna_rows = zip(*results) read_counts = pd.Series(read_counts) cnarr = CNA.from_rows(list(cna_rows), columns=CNA._required_columns + ('depth',), meta_dict=meta) else: table = interval_coverages_pileup(bed_fname, bam_fname, min_mapq, processes) read_len = samutil.get_read_length(bam_fname) read_counts = table['basecount'] / read_len table = table.drop('basecount', axis=1) cnarr = CNA(table, meta) # Log some stats tot_time = time.time() - start_time tot_reads = read_counts.sum()"Time: %.3f seconds (%d reads/sec, %s bins/sec)", tot_time, int(round(tot_reads / tot_time, 0)), int(round(len(read_counts) / tot_time, 0)))"Summary: #bins=%d, #reads=%d, " "mean=%.4f, min=%s, max=%s ", len(read_counts), tot_reads, (tot_reads / len(read_counts)), read_counts.min(), read_counts.max()) tot_mapped_reads = samutil.bam_total_reads(bam_fname) if tot_mapped_reads:"Percent reads in regions: %.3f (of %d mapped)", 100. * tot_reads / tot_mapped_reads, tot_mapped_reads) else:"(Couldn't calculate total number of mapped reads)") return cnarr
[docs]def interval_coverages_count(bed_fname, bam_fname, min_mapq, procs=1): """Calculate log2 coverages in the BAM file at each interval.""" regions = tabio.read_auto(bed_fname) if procs == 1: bamfile = pysam.Samfile(bam_fname, 'rb') for chrom, subregions in regions.by_chromosome():"Processing chromosome %s of %s", chrom, os.path.basename(bam_fname)) for count, row in _rdc_chunk(bamfile, subregions, min_mapq): yield [count, row] else: with futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(procs) as pool: args_iter = ((bam_fname, subr, min_mapq) for _c, subr in regions.by_chromosome()) for chunk in, args_iter): for count, row in chunk: yield [count, row]
def _rdc(args): """Wrapper for parallel.""" return list(_rdc_chunk(*args)) def _rdc_chunk(bamfile, regions, min_mapq): if isinstance(bamfile, basestring): bamfile = pysam.Samfile(bamfile, 'rb') for chrom, start, end, gene in regions.coords(["gene"]): yield region_depth_count(bamfile, chrom, start, end, gene, min_mapq)
[docs]def region_depth_count(bamfile, chrom, start, end, gene, min_mapq): """Calculate depth of a region via pysam count. i.e. counting the number of read starts in a region, then scaling for read length and region width to estimate depth. Coordinates are 0-based, per pysam. """ def filter_read(read): """True if the given read should be counted towards coverage.""" return not (read.is_duplicate or read.is_secondary or read.is_unmapped or read.is_qcfail or read.mapq < min_mapq) count = 0 bases = 0 for read in bamfile.fetch(reference=chrom, start=start, end=end): if filter_read(read): count += 1 # Only count the bases aligned to the region rlen = read.query_length if read.pos < start: rlen -= start - read.pos if read.pos + read.query_length > end: rlen -= read.pos + read.query_length - end bases += rlen depth = bases / (end - start) if end > start else 0 row = (chrom, start, end, gene, math.log(depth, 2) if depth else NULL_LOG2_COVERAGE, depth) return count, row
[docs]def interval_coverages_pileup(bed_fname, bam_fname, min_mapq, procs=1): """Calculate log2 coverages in the BAM file at each interval.""""Processing reads in %s", os.path.basename(bam_fname)) if procs == 1: table = bedcov(bed_fname, bam_fname, min_mapq) else: chunks = [] with futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(procs) as pool: args_iter = ((bed_chunk, bam_fname, min_mapq) for bed_chunk in to_chunks(bed_fname)) for bed_chunk_fname, table in, args_iter): chunks.append(table) rm(bed_chunk_fname) table = pd.concat(chunks, ignore_index=True) # Fill in CNA required columns if 'gene' in table: table['gene'] = table['gene'].fillna('-') else: table['gene'] = '-' # NB: User-supplied bins might be zero-width or reversed -- skip those spans = table.end - table.start ok_idx = (spans > 0) table = table.assign(depth=0, log2=NULL_LOG2_COVERAGE) table.loc[ok_idx, 'depth'] = (table.loc[ok_idx, 'basecount'] / spans[ok_idx]) ok_idx = (table['depth'] > 0) table.loc[ok_idx, 'log2'] = np.log2(table.loc[ok_idx, 'depth']) return table
def _bedcov(args): """Wrapper for parallel.""" bed_fname = args[0] table = bedcov(*args) return bed_fname, table
[docs]def bedcov(bed_fname, bam_fname, min_mapq): """Calculate depth of all regions in a BED file via samtools (pysam) bedcov. i.e. mean pileup depth across each region. """ # Count bases in each region; exclude low-MAPQ reads cmd = [bed_fname, bam_fname] if min_mapq and min_mapq > 0: cmd.extend(['-Q', bytes(min_mapq)]) try: raw = pysam.bedcov(*cmd) except pysam.SamtoolsError as exc: raise ValueError("Failed processing %r coverages in %r regions. " "PySAM error: %s" % (bam_fname, bed_fname, exc)) if not raw: raise ValueError("BED file %r chromosome names don't match any in " "BAM file %r" % (bed_fname, bam_fname)) columns = detect_bedcov_columns(raw) table = pd.read_table(StringIO(raw), names=columns, usecols=columns) return table
[docs]def detect_bedcov_columns(text): # NB: gene is optional; may be trailing cols firstline = text[:text.index('\n')] tabcount = firstline.count('\t') if tabcount >= 4: return ['chromosome', 'start', 'end', 'gene', 'basecount'] elif tabcount == 3: return ['chromosome', 'start', 'end', 'basecount'] raise RuntimeError("Bad line from bedcov:\n%r" % firstline)