Source code for cnvlib.access

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""List the locations of accessible sequence regions in a FASTA file.

Inaccessible regions, e.g. telomeres and centromeres, are masked out with N in
the reference genome sequence; this script scans those to identify the
coordinates of the accessible regions (those between the long spans of N's).
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from builtins import next, zip

import logging

import numpy as np

from . import tabio
from .genome import GenomicArray as GA

[docs]def do_access(fa_fname, exclude_fnames=(), min_gap_size=5000): """List the locations of accessible sequence regions in a FASTA file.""" access_regions = GA.from_rows(get_regions(fa_fname)) for ex_fname in exclude_fnames: excluded =, 'bed3') access_regions = access_regions.subtract(excluded) return GA.from_rows(join_regions(access_regions, min_gap_size))
[docs]def get_regions(fasta_fname): """Find accessible sequence regions (those not masked out with 'N').""" with open(fasta_fname) as infile: chrom = cursor = run_start = None for line in infile: if line.startswith('>'): # Emit the last chromosome's last run, if any if run_start is not None: yield log_this(chrom, run_start, cursor) # Start new chromosome chrom = line.split(None, 1)[0][1:] run_start = None cursor = 0"%s: Scanning for accessible regions", chrom) else: line = line.rstrip() if 'N' in line: if all(c == 'N' for c in line): # Shortcut if the line is all N chars if run_start is not None: yield log_this(chrom, run_start, cursor) run_start = None else: # Slow route: line is a mix of N and non-N chars line_chars = np.array(line, dtype='c') n_indices = np.where(line_chars == b'N')[0] # Emit the first block of non-N chars, if any if run_start is not None: yield log_this(chrom, run_start, cursor + n_indices[0]) elif n_indices[0] != 0: yield log_this(chrom, cursor, cursor + n_indices[0]) # Emit any short intermediate blocks gap_mask = np.diff(n_indices) > 1 if gap_mask.any(): ok_starts = n_indices[gap_mask] + 1 + cursor ok_ends = n_indices[1:][gap_mask] + cursor for start, end in zip(ok_starts, ok_ends): yield log_this(chrom, start, end) # Account for any tailing non-N chars if n_indices[-1] + 1 < len(line_chars): run_start = cursor + n_indices[-1] + 1 else: run_start = None else: if run_start is None: # Start of a new run of non-N characters run_start = cursor cursor += len(line) # Emit the last run if it's accessible (i.e. not a telomere) if run_start is not None: yield log_this(chrom, run_start, cursor)
[docs]def log_this(chrom, run_start, run_end): """Log a coordinate range, then return it as a tuple.""""\tAccessible region %s:%d-%d (size %d)", chrom, run_start, run_end, run_end - run_start) return (chrom, run_start, run_end)
[docs]def join_regions(regions, min_gap_size): """Filter regions, joining those separated by small gaps.""" min_gap_size = min_gap_size or 0 for chrom, rows in regions.by_chromosome():"%s: Joining over small gaps", chrom) coords = iter(zip(rows['start'], rows['end'])) prev_start, prev_end = next(coords) for start, end in coords: gap = start - prev_end assert gap > 0, ("Impossible gap between %s %d-%d and %d-%d (=%d)" % (chrom, prev_start, prev_end, start, end, gap)) if gap < min_gap_size: # Join with the previous region"\tJoining %s %d-%d and %d-%d (gap size %d)", chrom, prev_start, prev_end, start, end, gap) prev_end = end else: # Keep the gap; emit the previous region as-is"\tKeeping gap %s:%d-%d (size %d)", chrom, prev_end, start, gap) yield (chrom, prev_start, prev_end) prev_start, prev_end = start, end yield (chrom, prev_start, prev_end)