Source code for cnvlib.plots

"""Plotting utilities."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division
from builtins import str
from past.builtins import basestring

import collections
import logging
import math

import numpy as np

from . import core, params

MB = 1e-6  # To rescale from bases to megabases

[docs]def plot_x_dividers(axis, chrom_sizes, pad=None): """Plot vertical dividers and x-axis labels given the chromosome sizes. Draws vertical black lines between each chromosome, with padding. Labels each chromosome range with the chromosome name, centered in the region, under a tick. Sets the x-axis limits to the covered range. Returns ------- OrderedDict A table of the x-position offsets of each chromosome. """ assert isinstance(chrom_sizes, collections.OrderedDict) if pad is None: pad = 0.003 * sum(chrom_sizes.values()) x_dividers = [] x_centers = [] x_starts = collections.OrderedDict() curr_offset = pad for label, size in list(chrom_sizes.items()): x_starts[label] = curr_offset x_centers.append(curr_offset + 0.5 * size) x_dividers.append(curr_offset + size + pad) curr_offset += size + 2 * pad axis.set_xlim(0, curr_offset) for xposn in x_dividers[:-1]: axis.axvline(x=xposn, color='k') # Use chromosome names as x-axis labels (instead of base positions) axis.set_xticks(x_centers) axis.set_xticklabels(list(chrom_sizes.keys()), rotation=60) axis.tick_params(labelsize='small') axis.tick_params(axis='x', length=0) axis.get_yaxis().tick_left() return x_starts
# ________________________________________ # Internal supporting functions
[docs]def chromosome_sizes(probes, to_mb=False): """Create an ordered mapping of chromosome names to sizes.""" chrom_sizes = collections.OrderedDict() for chrom, rows in probes.by_chromosome(): chrom_sizes[chrom] = rows['end'].max() if to_mb: chrom_sizes[chrom] *= MB return chrom_sizes
[docs]def partition_by_chrom(chrom_snvs): """Group the tumor shift values by chromosome (for statistical testing).""" chromnames = set(chrom_snvs.keys()) bins = {key: {'thisbin': [], 'otherbins': []} for key in chrom_snvs} for thischrom, snvs in chrom_snvs.items(): shiftvals = np.array([abs(v[2]) for v in snvs]) bins[thischrom]['thisbin'].extend(shiftvals) for otherchrom in chromnames: if otherchrom == thischrom: continue bins[otherchrom]['otherbins'].extend(shiftvals) return bins
[docs]def test_loh(bins, alpha=0.0025): """Test each chromosome's SNP shifts and the combined others'. The statistical test is Mann-Whitney, a one-sided non-parametric test for difference in means. """ # TODO - this doesn't work right if there are many shifted regions try: from scipy import stats except ImportError: # SciPy not installed; can't test for significance return [] significant_chroms = [] for chrom, partitions in bins.items(): these_shifts = np.array(partitions['thisbin'], np.float_) other_shifts = np.array(partitions['otherbins'], np.float_) if len(these_shifts) < 20:"Too few points (%d) to test chrom %s", len(these_shifts), chrom) elif these_shifts.mean() > other_shifts.mean(): logging.debug("\nThese ~= %f (N=%d), Other ~= %f (N=%d)", these_shifts.mean(), len(these_shifts), other_shifts.mean(), len(other_shifts)) u, prob = stats.mannwhitneyu(these_shifts, other_shifts)"Mann-Whitney - %s: u=%s, p=%s", chrom, u, prob) if prob < alpha: significant_chroms.append(chrom) return significant_chroms
# ________________________________________ # Utilies used by other modules
[docs]def cvg2rgb(cvg, desaturate): """Choose a shade of red or blue representing log2-coverage value.""" cutoff = 1.33 # Values above this magnitude are shown with max intensity x = min(abs(cvg) / cutoff, 1.0) if desaturate: # Adjust intensity sigmoidally -- reduce near 0, boost near 1 # Exponent <1 shifts the fixed point leftward (from x=0.5) x = ((1. - math.cos(x * math.pi)) / 2.) ** 0.8 # Slight desaturation of colors at lower coverage s = x**1.2 else: s = x if cvg < 0: rgb = (1 - s, 1 - s, 1 - .25*x) # Blueish else: rgb = (1 - .25*x, 1 - s, 1 - s) # Reddish return rgb
# XXX should this be a CopyNumArray method? # or: use by_genes internally # or: have by_genes use this internally
[docs]def gene_coords_by_name(probes, names): """Find the chromosomal position of each named gene in probes. Returns ------- dict Of: {chromosome: [(start, end, gene name), ...]} """ # Create an index of gene names gene_index = collections.defaultdict(set) for i, gene in enumerate(probes['gene']): for gene_name in gene.split(','): if gene_name in names: gene_index[gene_name].add(i) # Retrieve coordinates by name all_coords = collections.defaultdict(lambda : collections.defaultdict(set)) for name in names: gene_probes =, []))) if not len(gene_probes): raise ValueError("No targeted gene named '%s' found" % name) # Find the genomic range of this gene's probes start = gene_probes['start'].min() end = gene_probes['end'].max() chrom = core.check_unique(gene_probes['chromosome'], name) # Deduce the unique set of gene names for this region orig_names = set() for oname in set(gene_probes['gene']): orig_names.update(oname.split(',')) all_coords[chrom][start, end].update(orig_names) # Consolidate each region's gene names into a string uniq_coords = {} for chrom, hits in all_coords.items(): uniq_coords[chrom] = [(start, end, ",".join(sorted(orig_names))) for (start, end), orig_names in hits.items()] return uniq_coords
[docs]def gene_coords_by_range(probes, chrom, start, end, ignore=params.IGNORE_GENE_NAMES): """Find the chromosomal position of all genes in a range. Returns ------- dict Of: {chromosome: [(start, end, gene), ...]} """ ignore += ('Background',) # Tabulate the genes in the selected region genes = collections.OrderedDict() for row in probes.in_range(chrom, start, end): name = str(row.gene) if name in ignore: continue if name in genes: genes[name][1] = row.end else: genes[name] = [row.start, row.end] # Reorganize the data structure return {chrom: [(gstart, gend, name) for name, (gstart, gend) in list(genes.items())]}