Source code for skgenome.merge

"""DataFrame-level merging operations.

Merge overlapping regions into single rows, similar to bedtools merge.

The functions here operate on pandas DataFrame and Series instances, not
GenomicArray types.

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division
from builtins import zip

import itertools

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .chromsort import sorter_chrom
from .combiners import get_combiners, first_of

[docs]def flatten(table, combine=None): if not len(table): return table if (table.start.values[1:] >= table.end.cummax().values[:-1]).all(): return table # NB: Input rows and columns should already be sorted like this table = table.sort_values(['chromosome', 'start', 'end']) cmb = get_combiners(table, False, combine) out = (table.groupby(by='chromosome', as_index=False, group_keys=False, sort=False) .apply(_flatten_overlapping, cmb) .reset_index(drop=True)) return out.reindex(out.chromosome.apply(sorter_chrom) .sort_values(kind='mergesort').index)
def _flatten_overlapping(table, combine): """Merge overlapping regions within a chromosome/strand. Assume chromosome and (if relevant) strand are already identical, so only start and end coordinates are considered. """ # flat_rows = itertools.chain( # *(_flatten_tuples(row_group, combine) # for _key, row_group in itertools.groupby(keyed_groups, first_of))) # out = pd.DataFrame.from_records(list(flat_rows), # columns=table.columns) # # columns=flat_rows[0]._fields) bits = [pd.DataFrame.from_records(list(_flatten_tuples(row_group, combine)), columns=table.columns) for row_group in _nonoverlapping_groups(table, 0)] out = pd.concat(bits) return out def _flatten_tuples(keyed_rows, combine): """Divide multiple rows where they overlap. Parameters ---------- keyed_rows : iterable pairs of (non-overlapping-group index, overlapping rows) combine : dict Returns ------- DataFrame """ # TODO speed this up! rows = [kr[1] for kr in keyed_rows] first_row = rows[0] if len(rows) == 1: yield first_row raise StopIteration extra_cols = first_row._fields[3:] breaks = sorted(set(itertools.chain(*[(r.start, r.end) for r in rows]))) for bp_start, bp_end in zip(breaks[:-1], breaks[1:]): # Find the row(s) overlapping this region # i.e. any not already seen and not already passed rows_in_play = [] for row in rows: if row.start <= bp_start and row.end >= bp_end: rows_in_play.append(row) # Combine the extra fields of the overlapping regions extra_fields = {key: combine[key]([getattr(r, key) for r in rows_in_play]) for key in extra_cols} yield first_row._replace(start=bp_start, end=bp_end, **extra_fields)
[docs]def merge(table, bp=0, stranded=False, combine=None): """Merge overlapping rows in a DataFrame.""" if not len(table): return table gap_sizes = table.start.values[1:] - table.end.cummax().values[:-1] if (gap_sizes > -bp).all(): return table if stranded: groupkey = ['chromosome', 'strand'] else: # NB: same gene name can appear on alt. contigs groupkey = ['chromosome'] table = table.sort_values(groupkey + ['start', 'end']) cmb = get_combiners(table, stranded, combine) out = (table.groupby(by=groupkey, as_index=False, group_keys=False, sort=False) .apply(_merge_overlapping, bp, cmb) .reset_index(drop=True)) # Re-sort chromosomes cleverly instead of lexicographically return out.reindex(out.chromosome.apply(sorter_chrom) .sort_values(kind='mergesort').index)
def _merge_overlapping(table, bp, combine): """Merge overlapping regions within a chromosome/strand. Assume chromosome and (if relevant) strand are already identical, so only start and end coordinates are considered. """ merged_rows = [_squash_tuples(row_group, combine) for row_group in _nonoverlapping_groups(table, bp)] return pd.DataFrame.from_records(merged_rows, columns=merged_rows[0]._fields) def _nonoverlapping_groups(table, bp): """Identify and enumerate groups of overlapping rows. That is, increment the group ID after each non-negative gap between intervals. Intervals (rows) will be merged if any bases overlap by at least `bp`. """ # Examples: # # gap? F T F F T T T F # group 0 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 # # gap? T F T T F F F T # group 0 0 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 gap_sizes = table.start.values[1:] - table.end.cummax().values[:-1] group_keys = np.r_[False, gap_sizes > (-bp)].cumsum() # NB: pandas groupby seems like the obvious choice over itertools, but it is # very slow -- probably because it traverses the whole table (i.e. # chromosome) again to select groups, redoing the various inferences that # would be worthwhile outside this inner loop. With itertools, we take # advantage of the grouping and sorting already done, and don't repeat # pandas' traversal and inferences. # ENH: Find & use a lower-level, 1-pass pandas function keyed_groups = zip(group_keys, table.itertuples(index=False)) return (row_group for _key, row_group in itertools.groupby(keyed_groups, first_of)) # Squash rows according to a given grouping criterion # XXX see also def _squash_tuples(keyed_rows, combine): """Combine multiple rows into one NamedTuple. Parameters ---------- keyed_rows : iterable pairs of (non-overlapping-group index, overlapping rows) combine : dict Returns ------- namedtuple """ rows = [kr[1] for kr in keyed_rows] #list(rows) firsttup = rows[0] if len(rows) == 1: return firsttup newfields = {key: combiner([getattr(r, key) for r in rows]) for key, combiner in combine.items()} return firsttup._replace(**newfields)