Source code for skgenome.tabio

"""I/O for tabular formats of genomic data (regions or features).
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from past.builtins import basestring

import collections
import contextlib
import logging
import os
import re
import sys

import pandas as pd
from Bio.File import as_handle

from ..gary import GenomicArray as GA
from . import bedio, genepred, gff, picard, seg, tab, textcoord, vcfio

[docs]def read(infile, fmt="tab", into=None, sample_id=None, meta=None, **kwargs): """Read tabular data from a file or stream into a genome object. Supported formats: see `READERS` If a format supports multiple samples, return the sample specified by `sample_id`, or if unspecified, return the first sample and warn if there were other samples present in the file. Parameters ---------- infile : handle or string Filename or opened file-like object to read. fmt : string File format. into : class GenomicArray class or subclass to instantiate, overriding the default for the target file format. sample_id : string Sample identifier. meta : dict Metadata, as arbitrary key-value pairs. **kwargs : Additional keyword arguments to the format-specific reader function. Returns ------- GenomicArray or subclass The data from the given file instantiated as `into`, if specified, or the default base class for the given file format (usually GenomicArray). """ from cnvlib.core import fbase if fmt == 'auto': return read_auto(infile) elif fmt in READERS: reader, suggest_into = READERS[fmt] else: raise ValueError("Unknown format: %s" % fmt) if meta is None: meta = {} if "sample_id" not in meta: if sample_id: meta["sample_id"] = sample_id elif isinstance(infile, basestring): meta["sample_id"] = fbase(infile) elif hasattr(infile, "name"): meta["sample_id"] = fbase( else: # meta["sample_id"] = "<unknown>" pass if "filename" not in meta: if isinstance(infile, basestring): meta["filename"] = infile elif hasattr(infile, "name"): meta["filename"] = if fmt in ("seg", "vcf") and sample_id is not None: # Multi-sample formats: choose one sample kwargs["sample_id"] = sample_id try: dframe = reader(infile, **kwargs) except # File is blank/empty, most likely"Blank %s file?: %s", fmt, infile) dframe = [] if fmt == "vcf": from cnvlib.vary import VariantArray as VA suggest_into = VA result = (into or suggest_into)(dframe, meta) result.sort_columns() result.sort() return result
# ENH CategoricalIndex --- # if dframe: # dframe['chromosome'] = pd.Categorical(dframe['chromosome'], # dframe.chromosome.drop_duplicates(), # ordered=True) # Create a multi-index of genomic coordinates (like GRanges) # dframe.set_index(['chromosome', 'start'], inplace=True)
[docs]def read_auto(infile): """Auto-detect a file's format and use an appropriate parser to read it.""" if not isinstance(infile, basestring) and not hasattr(infile, "seek"): raise ValueError("Can only auto-detect format from filename or " "seekable (local, on-disk) files, which %s is not" % infile) fmt = sniff_region_format(infile) if hasattr(infile, "seek"): if fmt:"Detected file format: " + fmt) else: # File is blank -- simple BED will handle this OK fmt = "bed3" return read(infile, fmt or 'tab')
READERS = { # Format name, formatter, default target class "auto": (read_auto, GA), "bed": (bedio.read_bed, GA), "bed3": (bedio.read_bed3, GA), "bed4": (bedio.read_bed4, GA), "bed6": (bedio.read_bed6, GA), "gff": (gff.read_gff, GA), "interval": (picard.read_interval, GA), "refflat": (genepred.read_refflat, GA), "picardhs": (picard.read_picard_hs, GA), "seg": (seg.read_seg, GA), "tab": (tab.read_tab, GA), "text": (textcoord.read_text, GA), "vcf": (vcfio.read_vcf, GA), } # _____________________________________________________________________
[docs]def write(garr, outfile=None, fmt="tab", verbose=True, **kwargs): """Write a genome object to a file or stream.""" formatter, show_header = WRITERS[fmt] if fmt in ("seg", "vcf"): kwargs["sample_id"] = garr.sample_id dframe = formatter(, **kwargs) with safe_write(outfile or sys.stdout, verbose=False) as handle: dframe.to_csv(handle, header=show_header, index=False, sep='\t', float_format='%.6g') if verbose: # Log the output path, if possible if isinstance(outfile, basestring): outfname = outfile elif hasattr(outfile, 'name') and outfile not in (sys.stdout, sys.stderr): outfname = else: # Probably stdout or stderr used in a pipeline -- don't pollute return"Wrote %s with %d regions", outfname, len(dframe))
WRITERS = { # Format name, formatter, show header "bed": (bedio.write_bed, False), "bed3": (bedio.write_bed3, False), "bed4": (bedio.write_bed4, False), # "gff": (gff.write_gff, False), "interval": (picard.write_interval, False), "picardhs": (picard.write_picard_hs, True), "seg": (seg.write_seg, True), "tab": (tab.write_tab, True), "text": (textcoord.write_text, False), "vcf": (vcfio.write_vcf, True), } # _____________________________________________________________________ @contextlib.contextmanager
[docs]def safe_write(outfile, verbose=True): """Write to a filename or file-like object with error handling. If given a file name, open it. If the path includes directories that don't exist yet, create them. If given a file-like object, just pass it through. """ if isinstance(outfile, basestring): dirname = os.path.dirname(outfile) if dirname and not os.path.isdir(dirname): os.mkdir(dirname)"Created directory %s", dirname) with open(outfile, 'w') as handle: yield handle else: yield outfile # Log the output path, if possible if verbose: if isinstance(outfile, basestring): outfname = outfile elif hasattr(outfile, 'name') and outfile not in (sys.stdout, sys.stderr): outfname = else: # Probably stdout or stderr -- don't ruin the pipeline return"Wrote %s", outfname)
[docs]def sniff_region_format(fname): """Guess the format of the given file by reading the first line. Returns ------- str or None The detected format name, or None if the file is empty. """ # has_track = False with as_handle(fname, 'rU') as handle: for line in handle: if not line.strip(): # Skip blank lines continue if line.startswith('track'): # NB: Could be UCSC BED or Ensembl GFF # has_track = True continue # Formats that (may) declare themselves in an initial '#' comment if (line.startswith('##gff-version') or format_patterns['gff'].match(line)): return 'gff' if line.startswith(('##fileformat=VCF', '#CHROM\tPOS\tID')): return 'vcf' if line.startswith('#'): continue # Formats that need to be guessed solely by regex if format_patterns['text'].match(line): return 'text' if format_patterns['tab'].match(line): return 'tab' if line.startswith('@') or format_patterns['interval'].match(line): return 'interval' if format_patterns['refflat'].match(line): return 'refflat' if format_patterns['bed'].match(line): return 'bed' raise ValueError("File %r does not appear to be a recognized " "format! (Any of: %s)\n" "First non-blank line:\n%s" % (fname, ', '.join(format_patterns.keys()), line))
format_patterns = collections.OrderedDict([ # ('genepred', re.compile()), # ('genepredext', re.compile()), ('text', re.compile(r'\w+:\d*-\d*.*')), ('tab', re.compile('\t'.join(('chromosome', 'start', 'end')))), ('interval', re.compile('\t'.join(( r'\w+', r'\d+', r'\d+', r'[.+-]', r'\S+$')))), ('refflat', re.compile('\t'.join(( r'\S+', r'\S+', r'\w+', r'[+-]', r'\d+', r'\d+', r'\d+', r'\d+', r'\d+', r'(\d+,)+', r'(\d+,)+$')))), ('gff', re.compile('\t'.join(( r'\w+', r'\S+', r'\w+', r'\d+', r'\d+', r'\S+', r'[.?+-]', r'[012.]', r'.*')))), ('bed', re.compile('\t'.join((r'\w+', r'\d+', r'\d+')))), ])