Source code for cnvlib.metrics

"""Robust metrics to evaluate performance of copy number estimates.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from builtins import zip

import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats

from .descriptives import (biweight_midvariance, interquartile_range,

[docs]def do_metrics(cnarrs, segments=None, skip_low=False): """Compute coverage deviations and other metrics for self-evaluation.""" # Catch if passed args are single CopyNumArrays instead of lists from .cnary import CopyNumArray as CNA if isinstance(cnarrs, CNA): cnarrs = [cnarrs] if isinstance(segments, CNA): segments = [segments] elif segments is None: segments = [None] else: segments = list(segments) if skip_low: cnarrs = (cna.drop_low_coverage() for cna in cnarrs) rows = ((cna.meta.get("filename", cna.sample_id), len(seg) if seg is not None else '-' ) + ests_of_scale(cna.residuals(seg)) for cna, seg in zip_repeater(cnarrs, segments)) colnames = ["sample", "segments", "stdev", "mad", "iqr", "bivar"] return pd.DataFrame.from_records(rows, columns=colnames)
[docs]def zip_repeater(iterable, repeatable): """Repeat a single segmentation to match the number of copy ratio inputs""" rpt_len = len(repeatable) if rpt_len == 1: rpt = repeatable[0] for it in iterable: yield it, rpt else: i = -1 for i, (it, rpt) in enumerate(zip(iterable, repeatable)): yield it, rpt # Require lengths to match if i + 1 != rpt_len: raise ValueError("""Number of unsegmented and segmented input files did not match (%d vs. %d)""" % (i, rpt_len))
[docs]def ests_of_scale(deviations): """Estimators of scale: standard deviation, MAD, biweight midvariance. Calculates all of these values for an array of deviations and returns them as a tuple. """ std = np.std(deviations, dtype=np.float64) mad = median_absolute_deviation(deviations) iqr = interquartile_range(deviations) biw = biweight_midvariance(deviations) return (std, mad, iqr, biw)
[docs]def segment_mean(cnarr, skip_low=False): """Weighted average of bin log2 values.""" if skip_low: cnarr = cnarr.drop_low_coverage() if len(cnarr) == 0: return np.nan if 'weight' in cnarr: return np.average(cnarr['log2'], weights=cnarr['weight']) return cnarr['log2'].mean()
# Intervals
[docs]def confidence_interval_bootstrap(bins, alpha, bootstraps=100, smoothed=True): """Confidence interval for segment mean log2 value, estimated by bootstrap.""" if not 0 < alpha < 1: raise ValueError("alpha must be between 0 and 1; got %s" % alpha) if bootstraps <= 2 / alpha: new_boots = int(np.ceil(2 / alpha)) logging.warning("%d bootstraps not enough to estimate CI alpha level " "%f; increasing to %d", bootstraps, alpha, new_boots) bootstraps = new_boots # Bootstrap for CI k = len(bins) if k < 2: return np.array([bins["log2"][0], bins["log2"][0]]) np.random.seed(0xA5EED) rand_indices = np.random.randint(0, k, (bootstraps, k)) samples = [ for idx in rand_indices] if smoothed: # samples = _smooth_samples(bins, samples, alpha) pass # Recalculate segment means bootstrap_dist = np.array([segment_mean(samp) for samp in samples]) alphas = np.array([alpha / 2, 1 - alpha / 2]) if not smoothed: # alphas = _bca_correct_alpha(bins, bootstrap_dist, alphas) pass ci = np.percentile(bootstrap_dist, list(100 * alphas)) return ci
def _smooth_samples(bins, samples, alpha): k = len(bins) # Essentially, resample from a kernel density estimate of the data # instead of the original data. # Estimate KDE bandwidth (Polansky 1995) resids = bins['log2'] - bins['log2'].mean() s_hat = 1/k * (resids**2).sum() # sigma^2 = E[X-theta]^2 y_hat = 1/k * abs((resids**3).sum()) # gamma = E[X-theta]^3 z = stats.norm.ppf(alpha / 2) # or alpha? bw = k**(-1/4) * np.sqrt(y_hat*(z**2 + 2) / (3*s_hat*z)) # NB: or, Silverman's Rule for KDE bandwidth (roughly): # std = interquartile_range(bins['log2']) / 1.34 # bw = std * (k*3/4) ** (-1/5) if bw > 0: samples = [samp.assign(log2=lambda x: x['log2'] + bw * np.random.randn(k)) for samp in samples] logging.debug("Smoothing worked for this segment (bw=%s)", bw) else: logging.debug("Smoothing not needed for this segment (bw=%s)", bw) return samples def _bca_correct_alpha(bins, bootstrap_dist, alphas): # BCa correction (Efron 1987, "Better Bootstrap Confidence Intervals") # # Ported from R package "bootstrap" function "bcanon" n_boots = len(bootstrap_dist) orig_mean = segment_mean(bins) logging.warning("boot samples less: %s / %s", (bootstrap_dist < orig_mean).sum(), n_boots) n_boots_below = (bootstrap_dist < orig_mean).sum() if n_boots_below == 0: logging.warning("boots mean %s, orig mean %s", bootstrap_dist.mean(), orig_mean) else: logging.warning("boot samples less: %s / %s", n_boots_below, n_boots) z0 = stats.norm.ppf((bootstrap_dist < orig_mean).sum() / n_boots) zalpha = stats.norm.ppf(alphas) # Jackknife influence values u = np.array([segment_mean(bins.concat([bins[:i], bins[i+1:]])) for i in range(len(bins))]) uu = u.mean() - u acc = (u**3).sum() / (6 * (uu**2).sum()**1.5) alphas = stats.norm.cdf(z0 + (z0 + zalpha) / (1 - acc * (z0 + zalpha))) logging.warning("New alphas: %s -- via z0=%s, za=%s, acc=%s", alphas, z0, zalpha, acc) if not 0 < alphas[0] < 1 and 0 < alphas[1] < 1: raise ValueError("CI alphas should be in (0,1); got %s" % alphas) return alphas
[docs]def prediction_interval(bins, alpha): """Prediction interval, estimated by percentiles.""" pct_lo = 100 * alpha / 2 pct_hi = 100 * (1 - alpha / 2) # ENH: weighted percentile return np.percentile(bins['log2'], [pct_lo, pct_hi])