Source code for cnvlib.reference

"""Supporting functions for the 'reference' command."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from builtins import map, zip

import collections
import logging

import numpy as np
import pyfaidx
from skgenome import tabio, GenomicArray as GA

from . import core, fix, descriptives, params
from .cmdutil import read_cna
from .cnary import CopyNumArray as CNA

[docs]def do_reference(target_fnames, antitarget_fnames=None, fa_fname=None, male_reference=False, female_samples=None, do_gc=True, do_edge=True, do_rmask=True): """Compile a coverage reference from the given files (normal samples).""" if antitarget_fnames: core.assert_equal("Unequal number of target and antitarget files given", targets=len(target_fnames), antitargets=len(antitarget_fnames)) if not fa_fname:"No FASTA reference genome provided; " "skipping GC, RM calculations") if female_samples is None: # NB: Antitargets are usually preferred for inferring sex, but might be # empty files, in which case no inference can be done. Since targets are # guaranteed to exist, infer from those first, then replace those # values where antitargets are suitable. sexes = infer_sexes(target_fnames, male_reference) if antitarget_fnames: sexes.update(infer_sexes(antitarget_fnames, male_reference)) else: sexes = collections.defaultdict(lambda: female_samples) # Calculate & save probe centers ref_probes = combine_probes(target_fnames, fa_fname, male_reference, sexes, True, do_gc, do_edge, False) if antitarget_fnames: ref_probes.add(combine_probes(antitarget_fnames, fa_fname, male_reference, sexes, False, do_gc, False, do_rmask)) ref_probes.center_all(skip_low=True) ref_probes.sort_columns() warn_bad_bins(ref_probes) return ref_probes
[docs]def do_reference_flat(targets, antitargets=None, fa_fname=None, male_reference=False): """Compile a neutral-coverage reference from the given intervals. Combines the intervals, shifts chrX values if requested, and calculates GC and RepeatMasker content from the genome FASTA sequence. """ ref_probes = bed2probes(targets) if antitargets: ref_probes.add(bed2probes(antitargets)) # Set sex chromosomes by "reference" sex ref_probes['log2'] = ref_probes.expect_flat_log2(male_reference) ref_probes['depth'] = np.exp2(ref_probes['log2']) # Shim # Calculate GC and RepeatMasker content for each probe's genomic region if fa_fname: gc, rmask = get_fasta_stats(ref_probes, fa_fname) ref_probes['gc'] = gc ref_probes['rmask'] = rmask # warn_bad_bins(ref_probes) else:"No FASTA reference genome provided; " "skipping GC, RM calculations") ref_probes.sort_columns() return ref_probes
[docs]def bed2probes(bed_fname): """Create a neutral-coverage CopyNumArray from a file of regions.""" regions = tabio.read_auto(bed_fname) table =[:, ("chromosome", "start", "end")] table["gene"] = (["gene"] if "gene" in else '-') table["log2"] = 0.0 table["spread"] = 0.0 return CNA(table, {"sample_id": core.fbase(bed_fname)})
[docs]def infer_sexes(cnn_fnames, is_male_reference): """Map sample IDs to inferred chromosomal sex, where possible. For samples where the source file is empty or does not include either sex chromosome, that sample ID will not be in the returned dictionary. """ sexes = {} for fname in cnn_fnames: cnarr = read_cna(fname) if cnarr: is_xx = cnarr.guess_xx(is_male_reference) if is_xx is not None: sexes[cnarr.sample_id] = is_xx return sexes
[docs]def combine_probes(filenames, fa_fname, is_male_reference, sexes, skip_low, fix_gc, fix_edge, fix_rmask): """Calculate the median coverage of each bin across multiple samples. Parameters ---------- filenames : list List of string filenames, corresponding to targetcoverage.cnn and antitargetcoverage.cnn files, as generated by 'coverage' or 'import-picard'. fa_fname : str Reference genome sequence in FASTA format, used to extract GC and RepeatMasker content of each genomic bin. is_male_reference : bool skip_low : bool fix_gc : bool fix_edge : bool fix_rmask : bool Returns ------- CopyNumArray One object summarizing the coverages of the input samples, including each bin's "average" coverage, "spread" of coverages, and GC content. """ columns = {} # Load coverage from target/antitarget files"Loading %s", filenames[0]) cnarr1 = read_cna(filenames[0]) if not len(cnarr1): # Just create an empty array with the right columns col_names = ['chromosome', 'start', 'end', 'gene', 'log2', 'depth'] if 'gc' in cnarr1 or fa_fname: col_names.append('gc') if fa_fname: col_names.append('rmask') col_names.append('spread') return CNA.from_rows([], col_names, {'sample_id': "reference"}) # Calculate GC and RepeatMasker content for each probe's genomic region if fa_fname and (fix_rmask or fix_gc): gc, rmask = get_fasta_stats(cnarr1, fa_fname) if fix_gc: columns['gc'] = gc if fix_rmask: columns['rmask'] = rmask elif 'gc' in cnarr1 and fix_gc: # Reuse .cnn GC values if they're already stored (via import-picard) gc = cnarr1['gc'] columns['gc'] = gc # Make the sex-chromosome coverages of male and female samples compatible is_chr_x = (cnarr1.chromosome == cnarr1._chr_x_label) is_chr_y = (cnarr1.chromosome == cnarr1._chr_y_label) flat_coverage = cnarr1.expect_flat_log2(is_male_reference) def shift_sex_chroms(cnarr): """Shift sample X and Y chromosomes to match the reference sex. Reference values: XY: chrX -1, chrY -1 XX: chrX 0, chrY -1 Plan: chrX: xx sample, xx ref: 0 (from 0) xx sample, xy ref: -= 1 (from -1) xy sample, xx ref: += 1 (from 0) +1 xy sample, xy ref: 0 (from -1) +1 chrY: xx sample, xx ref: = -1 (from -1) xx sample, xy ref: = -1 (from -1) xy sample, xx ref: 0 (from -1) +1 xy sample, xy ref: 0 (from -1) +1 """ is_xx = sexes.get(cnarr.sample_id) cnarr['log2'] += flat_coverage if is_xx: # chrX has same ploidy as autosomes; chrY is just unusable noise cnarr[is_chr_y, 'log2'] = -1.0 # np.nan is worse else: # 1/2 #copies of each sex chromosome cnarr[is_chr_x | is_chr_y, 'log2'] += 1.0 edge_bias = fix.get_edge_bias(cnarr1, params.INSERT_SIZE) def bias_correct_coverage(cnarr): """Perform bias corrections on the sample.""" cnarr.center_all(skip_low=skip_low) shift_sex_chroms(cnarr) # Skip bias corrections if most bins have no coverage (e.g. user error) if (cnarr['log2'] > params.NULL_LOG2_COVERAGE - params.MIN_REF_COVERAGE ).sum() <= len(cnarr) // 2: logging.warning("WARNING: most bins have no or very low coverage; " "check that the right BED file was used") else: if 'gc' in columns and fix_gc:"Correcting for GC bias...") cnarr = fix.center_by_window(cnarr, .1, columns['gc']) if 'rmask' in columns and fix_rmask:"Correcting for RepeatMasker bias...") cnarr = fix.center_by_window(cnarr, .1, columns['rmask']) if fix_edge:"Correcting for density bias...") cnarr = fix.center_by_window(cnarr, .1, edge_bias) return cnarr['log2'] # Pseudocount of 1 "flat" sample all_depths = [cnarr1['depth'] if 'depth' in cnarr1 else np.exp2(cnarr1['log2'])] all_coverages = [flat_coverage, bias_correct_coverage(cnarr1)] for fname in filenames[1:]:"Loading target %s", fname) cnarrx = read_cna(fname) # Bin information should match across all files if not (len(cnarr1) == len(cnarrx) and (cnarr1.chromosome == cnarrx.chromosome).all() and (cnarr1.start == cnarrx.start).all() and (cnarr1.end == cnarrx.end).all() and (cnarr1['gene'] == cnarrx['gene']).all()): raise RuntimeError("%s bins do not match those in %s" % (fname, filenames[0])) all_depths.append(cnarrx['depth'] if 'depth' in cnarrx else np.exp2(cnarrx['log2'])) all_coverages.append(bias_correct_coverage(cnarrx)) all_coverages = np.vstack(all_coverages)"Calculating average bin coverages") cvg_centers = np.apply_along_axis(descriptives.biweight_location, 0, all_coverages) depth_centers = np.apply_along_axis(descriptives.biweight_location, 0, np.vstack(all_depths))"Calculating bin spreads") spreads = np.asarray([descriptives.biweight_midvariance(a, initial=i) for a, i in zip(all_coverages.T, cvg_centers)]) columns.update({ 'chromosome': cnarr1.chromosome, 'start': cnarr1.start, 'end': cnarr1.end, 'gene': cnarr1['gene'], 'log2': cvg_centers, 'depth': depth_centers, 'spread': spreads, }) return CNA.from_columns(columns, {'sample_id': "reference"})
[docs]def warn_bad_bins(cnarr, max_name_width=50): """Warn about target bins where coverage is poor. Prints a formatted table to stderr. """ bad_bins = cnarr[fix.mask_bad_bins(cnarr)] fg_index = ~bad_bins['gene'].isin(params.ANTITARGET_ALIASES) fg_bad_bins = bad_bins[fg_index] if len(fg_bad_bins) > 0: bad_pct = (100 * len(fg_bad_bins) / sum(~cnarr['gene'].isin(params.ANTITARGET_ALIASES)))"Targets: %d (%s) bins failed filters:", len(fg_bad_bins), "%.4f" % bad_pct + '%') gene_cols = min(max_name_width, max(map(len, fg_bad_bins['gene']))) labels = fg_bad_bins.labels() chrom_cols = max(labels.apply(len)) last_gene = None for label, probe in zip(labels, fg_bad_bins): if probe.gene == last_gene: gene = ' "' else: gene = probe.gene last_gene = gene if len(gene) > max_name_width: gene = gene[:max_name_width-3] + '...' if 'rmask' in cnarr:" %s %s log2=%.3f spread=%.3f rmask=%.3f", gene.ljust(gene_cols), label.ljust(chrom_cols), probe.log2, probe.spread, probe.rmask) else:" %s %s log2=%.3f spread=%.3f", gene.ljust(gene_cols), label.ljust(chrom_cols), probe.log2, probe.spread) # Count the number of BG bins dropped, too (names are all "Antitarget") bg_bad_bins = bad_bins[~fg_index] if len(bg_bad_bins) > 0: bad_pct = (100 * len(bg_bad_bins) / sum(cnarr['gene'].isin(params.ANTITARGET_ALIASES)))"Antitargets: %d (%s) bins failed filters", len(bg_bad_bins), "%.4f" % bad_pct + '%')
[docs]def get_fasta_stats(cnarr, fa_fname): """Calculate GC and RepeatMasker content of each bin in the FASTA genome.""""Calculating GC and RepeatMasker content in %s ...", fa_fname) gc_rm_vals = [calculate_gc_lo(subseq) for subseq in fasta_extract_regions(fa_fname, cnarr)] gc_vals, rm_vals = zip(*gc_rm_vals) return np.asfarray(gc_vals), np.asfarray(rm_vals)
[docs]def calculate_gc_lo(subseq): """Calculate the GC and lowercase (RepeatMasked) content of a string.""" cnt_at_lo = subseq.count('a') + subseq.count('t') cnt_at_up = subseq.count('A') + subseq.count('T') cnt_gc_lo = subseq.count('g') + subseq.count('c') cnt_gc_up = subseq.count('G') + subseq.count('C') tot = float(cnt_gc_up + cnt_gc_lo + cnt_at_up + cnt_at_lo) if not tot: return 0.0, 0.0 frac_gc = (cnt_gc_lo + cnt_gc_up) / tot frac_lo = (cnt_at_lo + cnt_gc_lo) / tot return frac_gc, frac_lo
[docs]def fasta_extract_regions(fa_fname, intervals): """Extract an iterable of regions from an indexed FASTA file. Input: FASTA file name; iterable of (seq_id, start, end) (1-based) Output: iterable of string sequences. """ with pyfaidx.Fasta(fa_fname, as_raw=True) as fa_file: for chrom, subarr in intervals.by_chromosome():"Extracting sequences from chromosome %s", chrom) for _chrom, start, end in subarr.coords(): yield fa_file[_chrom][int(start):int(end)]
[docs]def reference2regions(refarr): """Split reference into target and antitarget regions.""" is_bg = (refarr['gene'].isin(params.ANTITARGET_ALIASES)) regions = GA([:, ('chromosome', 'start', 'end', 'gene')], {'sample_id': 'reference'}) targets = regions[~is_bg] antitargets = regions[is_bg] return targets, antitargets