Source code for skgenome.rangelabel

"""Handle text genomic ranges as named tuples.

A range specification should look like ``chromosome:start-end``, e.g.
``chr1:1234-5678``, with 1-indexed integer coordinates. We also allow
``chr1:1234-`` or ``chr1:-5678``, where missing start becomes 0 and missing end
becomes None.
import collections
import re

Region = collections.namedtuple('Region', 'chromosome start end')
NamedRegion = collections.namedtuple('NamedRegion', 'chromosome start end gene')

re_label = re.compile(r'(\w[\w.]*)?:(\d+)?-(\d+)?\s*(\S+)?')

[docs]def from_label(text, keep_gene=True): """Parse a chromosomal range specification. Parameters ---------- text : string Range specification, which should look like ``chr1:1234-5678`` or ``chr1:1234-`` or ``chr1:-5678``, where missing start becomes 0 and missing end becomes None. """ match = re_label.match(text) if match: chrom, start, end, gene = match.groups() start = int(start) - 1 if start else None end = int(end) if end else None if keep_gene: gene = gene or '' return NamedRegion(chrom, start, end, gene) else: return Region(chrom, start, end) else: raise ValueError("Invalid range spec: " + text + " (should be like: chr1:2333000-2444000)")
[docs]def to_label(row): """Convert a Region or (chrom, start, end) tuple to a region label.""" return "{}:{}-{}".format(row.chromosome, row.start + 1, row.end)
[docs]def unpack_range(a_range): """Extract chromosome, start, end from a string or tuple. Examples:: "chr1" -> ("chr1", None, None) "chr1:100-123" -> ("chr1", 99, 123) ("chr1", 100, 123) -> ("chr1", 100, 123) """ if not a_range: return Region(None, None, None) if isinstance(a_range, str): if ':' in a_range and '-' in a_range: return from_label(a_range, keep_gene=False) return Region(a_range, None, None) if isinstance(a_range, (list, tuple)): if len(a_range) == 3: return Region(*a_range) elif len(a_range) == 4: return Region(*a_range[:3]) raise ValueError("Not a range: %r" % a_range)