Source code for cnvlib.commands

"""Command-line interface and corresponding API for CNVkit."""
# NB: argparse CLI definitions and API functions are interwoven:
#   "_cmd_*" handles I/O and arguments processing for the command
#   "do_*" runs the command's functionality as an API
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import argparse
import collections
import logging
import math
import os
import sys

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from Bio._py3k import map, range, zip
iteritems = (dict.iteritems if sys.version_info[0] < 3 else dict.items)

# If running headless, use a suitable GUI-less plotting backend
if not os.environ.get('DISPLAY'):
    import matplotlib
        matplotlib.use("Agg", force=True)
    except TypeError:
        # Older matplotlib doesn't have 'force' argument

from matplotlib import pyplot
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages

from . import (core, ngfrills, parallel, params,
               access, antitarget, call, coverage, export, fix, importers,
               metrics, plots, reference, reports, segmentation, target)
from .cnary import CopyNumArray as _CNA
from .vary import VariantArray as _VA
from .rary import RegionArray as _RA
from ._version import __version__

AP = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="CNVkit, a command-line toolkit for copy number analysis.",
        epilog="Contact Eric Talevich <> for help.")
AP_subparsers = AP.add_subparsers(
        help="Sub-commands (use with -h for more info)")

# _____________________________________________________________________________
# Core pipeline

# batch -----------------------------------------------------------------------

def _cmd_batch(args):
    """Run the complete CNVkit pipeline on one or more BAM files."""
    # Validate/restrict options, beyond what argparse mutual exclusion can do
    if args.reference:
        bad_flags = [flag
                     for is_used, flag in (
                         (args.normal is not None,  '-n/--normal'),
                         (args.fasta,               '-f/--fasta'),
                         (args.targets,             '-t/--targets'),
                         (args.antitargets,         '-a/--antitargets'),
                         (args.access,              '-g/--access'),
                         (args.annotate,            '--annotate'),
                         (args.short_names,         '--short-names'),
                         (args.split,               '--split'),
                         (args.target_avg_size,     '--target-avg-size'),
                         (args.antitarget_avg_size, '--antitarget-avg-size'),
                         (args.antitarget_min_size, '--antitarget-min-size'),
                     ) if is_used]
        if bad_flags:
            sys.exit("If -r/--reference is given, options to construct a new " +
                     "reference (" + ", ".join(bad_flags) +
                     ") should not be used." +
                     "\n(See: batch -h)")
    elif not args.targets or args.normal is None:
        sys.exit("Options -n/--normal and -t/--targets (at least) must be "
                 "given to build a new reference if -r/--reference is not used."
                 "\n(See: batch -h)")

    if not args.reference:
        # Build a copy number reference; update (anti)targets upon request
        args.reference, args.targets, args.antitargets = batch_make_reference(
            args.normal, args.targets, args.antitargets, args.male_reference,
            args.fasta, args.annotate, args.short_names, args.split,
            args.target_avg_size, args.access, args.antitarget_avg_size,
            args.antitarget_min_size, args.output_reference, args.output_dir,
            args.processes, args.count_reads)
    elif args.targets is None and args.antitargets is None:
        # Extract (anti)target BEDs from the given, existing CN reference
        ref_arr =
        target_coords, antitarget_coords = reference.reference2regions(ref_arr)
        ref_pfx = os.path.join(args.output_dir, core.fbase(args.reference))
        args.targets = ref_pfx + '.target-tmp.bed'
        args.antitargets = ref_pfx + '.antitarget-tmp.bed'
        core.write_tsv(args.targets, target_coords)
        core.write_tsv(args.antitargets, antitarget_coords)

    if args.bam_files:"Running %d samples in %s",
                     (("%d processes" % args.processes)
                      if args.processes > 1 else "serial"))
        pool = parallel.pick_pool(args.processes)
        for bam in args.bam_files:
                             (bam, args.targets, args.antitargets, args.reference,
                              args.output_dir, args.male_reference, args.scatter,
                              args.diagram, args.rlibpath, args.count_reads))

[docs]def batch_make_reference(normal_bams, target_bed, antitarget_bed, male_reference, fasta, annotate, short_names, split, target_avg_size, access, antitarget_avg_size, antitarget_min_size, output_reference, output_dir, processes, by_count): """Build the CN reference from normal samples, targets and antitargets.""" # To make temporary filenames for processed targets or antitargets tgt_name_base, tgt_name_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(target_bed)) if output_dir: tgt_name_base = os.path.join(output_dir, tgt_name_base) if annotate or short_names or split: # Pre-process baits/targets new_target_fname = tgt_name_base + '.target.bed' tgt_rarr = do_targets(target_bed, annotate, short_names, split, **({'avg_size': target_avg_size} if split and target_avg_size else {})) tgt_rarr.write(new_target_fname, "bed4") target_bed = new_target_fname if not antitarget_bed: # Build antitarget BED from the given targets anti_kwargs = {} if access: anti_kwargs['access_bed'] = access if antitarget_avg_size: anti_kwargs['avg_bin_size'] = antitarget_avg_size if antitarget_min_size: anti_kwargs['min_bin_size'] = antitarget_min_size anti_rarr = do_antitarget(target_bed, **anti_kwargs) # Devise a temporary antitarget filename antitarget_bed = tgt_name_base + '.antitarget.bed' anti_rarr.write(antitarget_bed, "bed4") if len(normal_bams) == 0:"Building a flat reference...") ref_arr = do_reference_flat(target_bed, antitarget_bed, fasta, male_reference) else:"Building a copy number reference from normal samples...") target_fnames = [] antitarget_fnames = [] # Run coverage on all normals pool = parallel.pick_pool(processes) for nbam in normal_bams: sample_id = core.fbase(nbam) sample_pfx = os.path.join(output_dir, sample_id) tgt_fname = sample_pfx + '.targetcoverage.cnn' pool.apply_async(batch_write_coverage, (target_bed, nbam, tgt_fname, by_count)) target_fnames.append(tgt_fname) anti_fname = sample_pfx + '.antitargetcoverage.cnn' pool.apply_async(batch_write_coverage, (antitarget_bed, nbam, anti_fname, by_count)) antitarget_fnames.append(anti_fname) pool.close() pool.join() # Build reference from *.cnn ref_arr = do_reference(target_fnames, antitarget_fnames, fasta, male_reference) if not output_reference: output_reference = os.path.join(output_dir, "reference.cnn") ngfrills.ensure_path(output_reference) ref_arr.write(output_reference) return output_reference, target_bed, antitarget_bed
[docs]def batch_write_coverage(bed_fname, bam_fname, out_fname, by_count): """Run coverage on one sample, write to file.""" cnarr = do_coverage(bed_fname, bam_fname, by_count) cnarr.write(out_fname)
[docs]def batch_run_sample(bam_fname, target_bed, antitarget_bed, ref_fname, output_dir, male_reference=False, scatter=False, diagram=False, rlibpath=None, by_count=False): """Run the pipeline on one BAM file.""" # ENH - return probes, segments (cnarr, segarr)"Running the CNVkit pipeline on %s ...", bam_fname) sample_id = core.fbase(bam_fname) sample_pfx = os.path.join(output_dir, sample_id) raw_tgt = do_coverage(target_bed, bam_fname, by_count) raw_tgt.write(sample_pfx + '.targetcoverage.cnn') raw_anti = do_coverage(antitarget_bed, bam_fname, by_count) raw_anti.write(sample_pfx + '.antitargetcoverage.cnn') cnarr = do_fix(raw_tgt, raw_anti, cnarr.write(sample_pfx + '.cnr')"Segmenting %s.cnr ...", sample_pfx) segments = segmentation.do_segmentation(cnarr, 'cbs', rlibpath=rlibpath) segments.write(sample_pfx + '.cns') if scatter: do_scatter(cnarr, segments) pyplot.savefig(sample_pfx + '-scatter.pdf', format='pdf', bbox_inches="tight")"Wrote %s-scatter.pdf", sample_pfx) if diagram: from cnvlib import diagram outfname = sample_pfx + '-diagram.pdf' diagram.create_diagram(cnarr, segments, 0.5, 3, outfname, male_reference)"Wrote %s", outfname)
P_batch = AP_subparsers.add_parser('batch', help=_cmd_batch.__doc__) P_batch.add_argument('bam_files', nargs='*', help="Mapped sequence reads (.bam)") P_batch.add_argument('-y', '--male-reference', action='store_true', help="""Use or assume a male reference (i.e. female samples will have +1 log-CNR of chrX; otherwise male samples would have -1 chrX).""") P_batch.add_argument('-c', '--count-reads', action='store_true', help="""Get read depths by counting read midpoints within each bin. (An alternative algorithm).""") P_batch.add_argument('-p', '--processes', type=int, default=1, help="""Number of subprocesses used to running each of the BAM files in parallel. Give 0 or a negative value to use the maximum number of available CPUs. [Default: process each BAM in serial]""") P_batch.add_argument("--rlibpath", help="Path to an alternative site-library to use for R packages.") # Reference-building options P_batch_newref = P_batch.add_argument_group( "To construct a new copy number reference") P_batch_newref.add_argument('-n', '--normal', nargs='*', help="""Normal samples (.bam) to construct the pooled reference. If this option is used but no files are given, a "flat" reference will be built.""") P_batch_newref.add_argument('-f', '--fasta', help="Reference genome, FASTA format (e.g. UCSC hg19.fa)") P_batch_newref.add_argument('-t', '--targets', #required=True, help="Target intervals (.bed or .list)") P_batch_newref.add_argument('-a', '--antitargets', #required=True, help="Antitarget intervals (.bed or .list)") # For pre-processing targets P_batch_newref.add_argument('--annotate', help="""UCSC refFlat.txt or ensFlat.txt file for the reference genome. Pull gene names from this file and assign them to the target regions.""") P_batch_newref.add_argument('--short-names', action='store_true', help="Reduce multi-accession bait labels to be short and consistent.") P_batch_newref.add_argument('--split', action='store_true', help="Split large tiled intervals into smaller, consecutive targets.") P_batch_newref.add_argument('--target-avg-size', type=int, help="Average size of split target bins (results are approximate).") # For antitargets: P_batch_newref.add_argument('-g', '--access', help="""Regions of accessible sequence on chromosomes (.bed), as output by the 'access' command.""") P_batch_newref.add_argument('--antitarget-avg-size', type=int, help="Average size of antitarget bins (results are approximate).") P_batch_newref.add_argument('--antitarget-min-size', type=int, help="Minimum size of antitarget bins (smaller regions are dropped).") P_batch_newref.add_argument('--output-reference', help="""Output filename/path for the new reference file being created. (If given, ignores the -o/--output-dir option and will write the file to the given path. Otherwise, \"reference.cnn\" will be created in the current directory or specified output directory.) """) P_batch_oldref = P_batch.add_argument_group("To reuse an existing reference") P_batch_oldref.add_argument('-r', '--reference', #required=True, help="Copy number reference file (.cnn).") # Reporting options P_batch_report = P_batch.add_argument_group("Output options") P_batch_report.add_argument('-d', '--output-dir', default='.', help="Output directory.") P_batch_report.add_argument('--scatter', action='store_true', help="Create a whole-genome copy ratio profile as a PDF scatter plot.") P_batch_report.add_argument('--diagram', action='store_true', help="Create a diagram of copy ratios on chromosomes as a PDF.") P_batch.set_defaults(func=_cmd_batch) # target ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _cmd_target(args): """Transform bait intervals into targets more suitable for CNVkit.""" rarr = do_targets(args.interval, args.annotate, args.short_names, args.split, args.avg_size) rarr.write(args.output, "bed4")
[docs]def do_targets(bed_fname, annotate=None, do_short_names=False, do_split=False, avg_size=200/.75): """Transform bait intervals into targets more suitable for CNVkit.""" bed_rows = ngfrills.parse_regions(bed_fname, False, keep_strand=bool(annotate)) if annotate:"Applying annotations as target names") bed_rows = target.add_refflat_names(bed_rows, annotate) if do_short_names:"Shortening interval labels") bed_rows = target.shorten_labels(bed_rows) if do_split:"Splitting large targets") bed_rows = target.split_targets(bed_rows, avg_size) bed_rarr = _RA.from_rows(bed_rows, ['chromosome', 'start', 'end', 'name']) bed_rarr.sort() return bed_rarr
P_target = AP_subparsers.add_parser('target', help=_cmd_target.__doc__) P_target.add_argument('interval', help="""BED or interval file listing the targeted regions.""") P_target.add_argument('--annotate', help="""UCSC refFlat.txt or ensFlat.txt file for the reference genome. Pull gene names from this file and assign them to the target regions.""") P_target.add_argument('--short-names', action='store_true', help="Reduce multi-accession bait labels to be short and consistent.") P_target.add_argument('--split', action='store_true', help="Split large tiled intervals into smaller, consecutive targets.") # Exons: [114--188==203==292--21750], mean=353 -> outlier=359, extreme=515 # NV2: [65--181==190==239--12630], mean=264 -> outlier=277, extreme=364 # Default avg_size chosen s.t. minimum bin size after split is ~= median P_target.add_argument('-a', '--avg-size', type=int, default=200 / .75, help="""Average size of split target bins (results are approximate). [Default: %(default)s]""") P_target.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="""Output file name.""") P_target.set_defaults(func=_cmd_target) # access ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _cmd_access(args): """List the locations of accessible sequence regions in a FASTA file.""" # Closes over args.output def write_row(chrom, run_start, run_end): args.output.write("%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (chrom, run_start, run_end)) args.output.flush() for row in do_access(args.fa_fname, args.exclude, args.min_gap_size): write_row(*row)
[docs]def do_access(fa_fname, exclude_fnames=(), min_gap_size=5000): """List the locations of accessible sequence regions in a FASTA file.""" access_regions = access.get_regions(fa_fname) for ex_fname in exclude_fnames: access_regions = access.exclude_regions(ex_fname, access_regions) for row in access.join_regions(access_regions, min_gap_size): yield row
P_access = AP_subparsers.add_parser('access', help=_cmd_access.__doc__) P_access.add_argument("fa_fname", help="Genome FASTA file name") P_access.add_argument("-s", "--min-gap-size", type=int, default=5000, help="""Minimum gap size between accessible sequence regions. Regions separated by less than this distance will be joined together. [Default: %(default)s]""") P_access.add_argument("-x", "--exclude", action="append", default=[], help="""Additional regions to exclude, in BED format. Can be used multiple times.""") P_access.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=argparse.FileType('w'), default=sys.stdout, help="Output file name") P_access.set_defaults(func=_cmd_access) # antitarget ------------------------------------------------------------------ def _cmd_antitarget(args): """Derive a background/antitarget BED file from a target BED file.""" out_rarr = do_antitarget(args.interval, args.access, args.avg_size, args.min_size) if not args.output: base, ext = args.interval.rsplit('.', 1) args.output = base + '.antitarget.' + ext out_rarr.write(args.output, "bed4")
[docs]def do_antitarget(target_bed, access_bed=None, avg_bin_size=100000, min_bin_size=None): """Derive a background/antitarget BED file from a target BED file.""" if not min_bin_size: min_bin_size = 2 * int(avg_bin_size * (2 ** params.MIN_REF_COVERAGE)) return antitarget.get_background(target_bed, access_bed, avg_bin_size, min_bin_size)
P_anti = AP_subparsers.add_parser('antitarget', help=_cmd_antitarget.__doc__) P_anti.add_argument('interval', help="""BED or interval file listing the targeted regions.""") P_anti.add_argument('-g', '--access', help="""Regions of accessible sequence on chromosomes (.bed), as output by""") P_anti.add_argument('-a', '--avg-size', type=int, default=100000, help="""Average size of antitarget bins (results are approximate). [Default: %(default)s]""") P_anti.add_argument('-m', '--min-size', type=int, help="Minimum size of antitarget bins (smaller regions are dropped).") P_anti.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="""Output file name.""") P_anti.set_defaults(func=_cmd_antitarget) # coverage -------------------------------------------------------------------- def _cmd_coverage(args): """Calculate coverage in the given regions from BAM read depths.""" pset = do_coverage(args.interval, args.bam_file, args.count, args.min_mapq) if not args.output: # Create an informative but unique name for the coverage output file bambase = core.fbase(args.bam_file) bedbase = core.rbase(args.interval) tgtbase = ('antitargetcoverage' if 'anti' in bedbase.lower() else 'targetcoverage') args.output = '%s.%s.cnn' % (bambase, tgtbase) if os.path.exists(args.output): args.output = '%s.%s.cnn' % (bambase, bedbase) ngfrills.ensure_path(args.output) pset.write(args.output)
[docs]def do_coverage(bed_fname, bam_fname, by_count=False, min_mapq=0): """Calculate coverage in the given regions from BAM read depths.""" if not ngfrills.ensure_bam_sorted(bam_fname): raise RuntimeError("BAM file %s must be sorted by coordinates" % bam_fname) ngfrills.ensure_bam_index(bam_fname) # ENH: count importers.TOO_MANY_NO_COVERAGE & warn cnarr = coverage.interval_coverages(bed_fname, bam_fname, by_count, min_mapq) return cnarr
P_coverage = AP_subparsers.add_parser('coverage', help=_cmd_coverage.__doc__) P_coverage.add_argument('bam_file', help="Mapped sequence reads (.bam)") P_coverage.add_argument('interval', help="Intervals (.bed or .list)") P_coverage.add_argument('-c', '--count', action='store_true', help="""Get read depths by counting read midpoints within each bin. (An alternative algorithm).""") P_coverage.add_argument('-q', '--min-mapq', type=int, default=0, help="""Minimum mapping quality score (phred scale 0-60) to count a read for coverage depth. [Default: %(default)s]""") P_coverage.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="""Output file name.""") P_coverage.set_defaults(func=_cmd_coverage) # reference ------------------------------------------------------------------- def _cmd_reference(args): """Compile a coverage reference from the given files (normal samples).""" usage_err_msg = ("Give .cnn samples OR targets and antitargets.") if args.targets and args.antitargets: # Flat refence assert not args.references, usage_err_msg ref_probes = do_reference_flat(args.targets, args.antitargets, args.fasta, args.male_reference) elif args.references: # Pooled reference assert not args.targets and not args.antitargets, usage_err_msg filenames = [] for path in args.references: if os.path.isdir(path): filenames.extend(os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path) if f.endswith('targetcoverage.cnn')) else: filenames.append(path) targets = [f for f in filenames if 'antitarget' not in f] antitargets = [f for f in filenames if 'antitarget' in f]"Number of target and antitarget files: %d, %d", len(targets), len(antitargets)) ref_probes = do_reference(targets, antitargets, args.fasta, args.male_reference) else: raise ValueError(usage_err_msg) ref_fname = args.output or "cnv_reference.cnn" ngfrills.ensure_path(ref_fname) ref_probes.write(ref_fname)
[docs]def do_reference(target_fnames, antitarget_fnames, fa_fname=None, male_reference=False): """Compile a coverage reference from the given files (normal samples).""" core.assert_equal("Unequal number of target and antitarget files given", targets=len(target_fnames), antitargets=len(antitarget_fnames)) if not fa_fname:"No FASTA reference genome provided; " "skipping GC, RM calculations") # Calculate & save probe centers ref_probes = reference.combine_probes(target_fnames, fa_fname, male_reference) ref_probes.add(reference.combine_probes(antitarget_fnames, fa_fname, male_reference)) ref_probes.center_all() reference.warn_bad_probes(ref_probes) return ref_probes
[docs]def do_reference_flat(targets, antitargets, fa_fname=None, male_reference=False): """Compile a neutral-coverage reference from the given intervals. Combines the intervals, shifts chrX values if requested, and calculates GC and RepeatMasker content from the genome FASTA sequence. """ ref_probes = reference.bed2probes(targets) ref_probes.add(reference.bed2probes(antitargets)) # Set sex chromosomes by "reference" gender ref_probes['log2'] = ref_probes.expect_flat_cvg(male_reference) # Calculate GC and RepeatMasker content for each probe's genomic region if fa_fname: gc, rmask = reference.get_fasta_stats(ref_probes, fa_fname) ref_probes['gc'] = gc ref_probes['rmask'] = rmask reference.warn_bad_probes(ref_probes) else:"No FASTA reference genome provided; " "skipping GC, RM calculations") return ref_probes
P_reference = AP_subparsers.add_parser('reference', help=_cmd_reference.__doc__) P_reference.add_argument('references', nargs='*', help="""Normal-sample target or antitarget .cnn files, or the directory that contains them.""") P_reference.add_argument('-f', '--fasta', help="Reference genome, FASTA format (e.g. UCSC hg19.fa)") P_reference.add_argument('-t', '--targets', help="Target intervals (.bed or .list)") P_reference.add_argument('-a', '--antitargets', help="Antitarget intervals (.bed or .list)") P_reference.add_argument('-y', '--male-reference', action='store_true', help="""Create a male reference: shift female samples' chrX log-coverage by -1, so the reference chrX average is -1. Otherwise, shift male samples' chrX by +1, so the reference chrX average is 0.""") P_reference.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Output file name.") P_reference.set_defaults(func=_cmd_reference) # fix ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _cmd_fix(args): """Combine target and antitarget coverages and correct for biases. Adjust raw coverage data according to the given reference, correct potential biases and re-center. """ # Verify that target and antitarget are from the same sample tgt_raw = anti_raw = if tgt_raw.sample_id != anti_raw.sample_id: raise ValueError("Sample IDs do not match:" "'%s' (target) vs. '%s' (antitarget)" % (tgt_raw.sample_id, anti_raw.sample_id)) target_table = do_fix(tgt_raw, anti_raw,, args.do_gc, args.do_edge, args.do_rmask) target_table.write(args.output or tgt_raw.sample_id + '.cnr')
[docs]def do_fix(target_raw, antitarget_raw, reference, do_gc=True, do_edge=True, do_rmask=True): """Combine target and antitarget coverages and correct for biases.""" # Load, recenter and GC-correct target & antitarget probes separately"Processing target: %s", target_raw.sample_id) cnarr = fix.load_adjust_coverages(target_raw, reference, do_gc, do_edge, False)"Processing antitarget: %s", antitarget_raw.sample_id) anti_cnarr = fix.load_adjust_coverages(antitarget_raw, reference, do_gc, False, do_rmask) # Merge target and antitarget & sort probes by chromosomal location cnarr.add(anti_cnarr) if len(cnarr): cnarr.center_all() # Determine weights for each bin (used in segmentation) return cnarr
P_fix = AP_subparsers.add_parser('fix', help=_cmd_fix.__doc__) P_fix.add_argument('target', help="Target coverage file (.targetcoverage.cnn).") P_fix.add_argument('antitarget', help="Antitarget coverage file (.antitargetcoverage.cnn).") P_fix.add_argument('reference', help="Reference coverage (.cnn).") # P_fix.add_argument('--do-gc', action='store_true', default=True, # help="Do GC correction.") # P_fix.add_argument('--do-edge', action='store_true', # help="Do edge-effect correction.") # P_fix.add_argument('--do-size', action='store_true', # help="Do interval-size correction.") P_fix.add_argument('--no-gc', dest='do_gc', action='store_false', help="Skip GC correction.") P_fix.add_argument('--no-edge', dest='do_edge', action='store_false', help="Skip edge-effect correction.") P_fix.add_argument('--no-rmask', dest='do_rmask', action='store_false', help="Skip RepeatMasker correction.") P_fix.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Output file name.") P_fix.set_defaults(func=_cmd_fix) # segment --------------------------------------------------------------------- def _cmd_segment(args): """Infer copy number segments from the given coverage table.""" cnarr = variants = (_VA.read_vcf(args.vcf, skip_hom=True, skip_somatic=True) if args.vcf else None) results = segmentation.do_segmentation(cnarr, args.method, args.threshold, variants=variants, skip_low=args.drop_low_coverage, skip_outliers=args.drop_outliers, save_dataframe=bool(args.dataframe), rlibpath=args.rlibpath) if args.dataframe: segments, dframe = results with open(args.dataframe, 'w') as handle: handle.write(dframe)"Wrote %s", args.dataframe) else: segments = results segments.write(args.output or segments.sample_id + '.cns') P_segment = AP_subparsers.add_parser('segment', help=_cmd_segment.__doc__) P_segment.add_argument('filename', help="Bin-level log2 ratios (.cnr file), as produced by 'fix'.") P_segment.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Output table file name (CNR-like table of segments, .cns).") P_segment.add_argument('-d', '--dataframe', help="""File name to save the raw R dataframe emitted by CBS or Fused Lasso. (Useful for debugging.)""") P_segment.add_argument('-m', '--method', choices=('cbs', 'haar', 'flasso'), default='cbs', help="""Segmentation method (CBS, HaarSeg, or Fused Lasso). [Default: %(default)s]""") P_segment.add_argument('-t', '--threshold', type=float, help="""Significance threshold (p-value or FDR, depending on method) to accept breakpoints during segmentation.""") P_segment.add_argument('-v', '--vcf', help="""VCF file name containing variants for segmentation by allele frequencies.""") P_segment.add_argument("--drop-low-coverage", action='store_true', help="""Drop very-low-coverage bins before segmentation to avoid false-positive deletions in poor-quality tumor samples.""") P_segment.add_argument("--drop-outliers", type=float, default=5, metavar="FACTOR", help="""Drop outlier bins more than this many multiples of the 90th quantile away from the average within a rolling window. Set to 0 for no outlier filtering. [Default: %(default)g]""") P_segment.add_argument("--rlibpath", help="Path to an alternative site-library to use for R packages.") P_segment.set_defaults(func=_cmd_segment) # rescale --------------------------------------------------------------------- def _cmd_rescale(args): """Rescale segment copy ratio values given known purity and ploidy.""" if args.purity and not 0.0 < args.purity <= 1.0: raise RuntimeError("Purity must be between 0 and 1.") cnarr = is_sample_female = verify_gender_arg(cnarr, args.gender, args.male_reference) if args.purity and args.purity < 1.0: outarr = do_rescale(cnarr, args.ploidy, args.purity, args.male_reference, is_sample_female) if outarr.center_all( outarr.write(args.output)
[docs]def do_rescale(cnarr, ploidy=2, purity=None, is_reference_male=False, is_sample_female=False): absolutes = call.absolute_clonal(cnarr, ploidy, purity, is_reference_male, is_sample_female) # Convert back to log2 ratios; avoid a logarithm domain error outarr = cnarr.copy() outarr['log2'] = np.log2(np.maximum(absolutes / ploidy, 1e-3)) # Adjust sex chromosomes to be relative to the reference if is_reference_male: outarr[outarr.chromosome == outarr._chr_x_label, 'log2'] += 1.0 outarr[outarr.chromosome == outarr._chr_y_label, 'log2'] += 1.0 return outarr
P_rescale = AP_subparsers.add_parser('rescale', help=_cmd_rescale.__doc__) P_rescale.add_argument('filename', help="Copy ratios (.cnr or .cns).") P_rescale.add_argument("--center", choices=('mean', 'median', 'mode', 'biweight'), help="""Re-center the log2 ratio values using this estimate of the center or average value.""") P_rescale.add_argument("--ploidy", type=int, default=2, help="Ploidy of the sample cells. [Default: %(default)d]") P_rescale.add_argument("--purity", type=float, help="Estimated tumor cell fraction, a.k.a. purity or cellularity.") P_rescale.add_argument("-g", "--gender", choices=('m', 'male', 'Male', 'f', 'female', 'Female'), help="""Specify the sample's gender as male or female. (Otherwise guessed from chrX copy number).""") P_rescale.add_argument('-y', '--male-reference', action='store_true', help="""Was a male reference used? If so, expect half ploidy on chrX and chrY; otherwise, only chrY has half ploidy. In CNVkit, if a male reference was used, the "neutral" copy number (ploidy) of chrX is 1; chrY is haploid for either gender reference.""") P_rescale.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Output table file name (CNR-like table of segments, .cns).") P_rescale.set_defaults(func=_cmd_rescale) # call ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _cmd_call(args): """Call copy number variants from segmented log2 ratios.""" if args.purity and not 0.0 < args.purity <= 1.0: raise RuntimeError("Purity must be between 0 and 1.") segments = is_sample_female = verify_gender_arg(segments, args.gender, args.male_reference) segs_adj = do_call(segments, args.method, args.ploidy, args.purity, args.male_reference, is_sample_female, args.thresholds) segs_adj.write(args.output or segs_adj.sample_id + '.call.cns')
[docs]def do_call(segments, method, ploidy=2, purity=None, is_reference_male=False, is_sample_female=False, thresholds=(-1.1, -0.25, 0.2, 0.7)): if method == "clonal": if purity and purity < 1.0:"Calling copy number with clonal purity %g, ploidy %d", purity, ploidy) absolutes = call.absolute_clonal(segments, ploidy, purity, is_reference_male, is_sample_female) else: # Simpler math if sample is pure"Calling copy number with clonal ploidy %d", ploidy) absolutes = call.absolute_pure(segments, ploidy, is_reference_male) elif method == "threshold": tokens = ["%g => %d" % (thr, i) for i, thr in enumerate(thresholds)]"Calling copy number with thresholds: %s", ", ".join(tokens)) absolutes = call.absolute_threshold(segments, ploidy, thresholds, is_reference_male) else: raise ValueError("Argument `method` must be one of: clonal, threshold") segs_adj = call.round_log2_ratios(segments, absolutes, ploidy, is_reference_male) return segs_adj
[docs]def csvstring(text): return tuple(map(float, text.split(",")))
[docs]def verify_gender_arg(cnarr, gender_arg, is_male_reference): is_sample_female = cnarr.guess_xx(is_male_reference, verbose=False) if gender_arg: is_sample_female_given = (gender_arg in ["f", "female"]) if is_sample_female != is_sample_female_given:"Sample gender specified as %s " "but chrX copy number looks like %s", gender_arg, "female" if is_sample_female else "male") is_sample_female = is_sample_female_given"Treating sample gender as %s", "female" if is_sample_female else "male") return is_sample_female
P_call = AP_subparsers.add_parser('call', help=_cmd_call.__doc__) P_call.add_argument('segment', help="Segmentation calls (.cns), the output of the 'segment' command.") P_call.add_argument('-m', '--method', choices=('threshold', 'clonal'), default='threshold', help="""Calling method. [Default: %(default)s]""") P_call.add_argument('-t', '--thresholds', type=csvstring, default="-1.1,-0.25,0.2,0.7", help="""Hard thresholds for calling each integer copy number, separated by commas. Use the '=' sign on the command line, e.g.: -t=-1,0,1 [Default: %(default)s]""") P_call.add_argument("--ploidy", type=int, default=2, help="Ploidy of the sample cells. [Default: %(default)d]") P_call.add_argument("--purity", type=float, help="Estimated tumor cell fraction, a.k.a. purity or cellularity.") P_call.add_argument("-g", "--gender", choices=('m', 'male', 'Male', 'f', 'female', 'Female'), help="""Specify the sample's gender as male or female. (Otherwise guessed from chrX copy number).""") P_call.add_argument('-y', '--male-reference', action='store_true', help="""Was a male reference used? If so, expect half ploidy on chrX and chrY; otherwise, only chrY has half ploidy. In CNVkit, if a male reference was used, the "neutral" copy number (ploidy) of chrX is 1; chrY is haploid for either gender reference.""") P_call.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Output table file name (CNR-like table of segments, .cns).") P_call.set_defaults(func=_cmd_call) # _____________________________________________________________________________ # Plots and graphics # diagram --------------------------------------------------------------------- def _cmd_diagram(args): """Draw copy number (log2 coverages, CBS calls) on chromosomes as a diagram. If both the raw probes and segments are given, show them side-by-side on each chromosome (segments on the left side, probes on the right side). """ from cnvlib import diagram cnarr = if args.filename else None segarr = if args.segment else None outfname = diagram.create_diagram(cnarr, segarr, args.threshold, args.min_probes, args.output, args.male_reference)"Wrote %s", outfname) P_diagram = AP_subparsers.add_parser('diagram', help=_cmd_diagram.__doc__) P_diagram.add_argument('filename', nargs='?', help="""Processed coverage data file (*.cnr), the output of the 'fix' sub-command.""") P_diagram.add_argument('-s', '--segment', help="Segmentation calls (.cns), the output of the 'segment' command.") P_diagram.add_argument('-t', '--threshold', type=float, default=0.5, help="""Copy number change threshold to label genes. [Default: %(default)s]""") P_diagram.add_argument('-m', '--min-probes', type=int, default=3, help="""Minimum number of covered probes to label a gene. [Default: %(default)d]""") P_diagram.add_argument('-y', '--male-reference', action='store_true', help="""Assume inputs are already corrected against a male reference (i.e. female samples will have +1 log-CNR of chrX; otherwise male samples would have -1 chrX).""") P_diagram.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Output PDF file name.") P_diagram.set_defaults(func=_cmd_diagram) # scatter --------------------------------------------------------------------- def _cmd_scatter(args): """Plot probe log2 coverages and segmentation calls together.""" cnarr =, args.sample_id ) if args.filename else None segarr = ) if args.segment else None varr = _VA.read_vcf(args.vcf, args.sample_id, args.normal_id, args.min_variant_depth, skip_hom=True, skip_somatic=True ) if args.vcf else None if args.range_list: with PdfPages(args.output) as pdf_out: for chrom, start, end in region = "{}:{}-{}".format(chrom, start, end) do_scatter(cnarr, segarr, varr, region, False, args.background_marker, args.trend, args.width, args.y_min, args.y_max) pyplot.title(region) pdf_out.savefig() pyplot.close() else: do_scatter(cnarr, segarr, varr, args.chromosome, args.gene, args.background_marker, args.trend, args.width, args.y_min, args.y_max) if args.output: pyplot.savefig(args.output, format='pdf', bbox_inches="tight")"Wrote %s", args.output) else:
[docs]def do_scatter(cnarr, segments=None, variants=None, show_range=None, show_gene=None, background_marker=None, do_trend=False, window_width=1e6, y_min=None, y_max=None, title=None): """Plot probe log2 coverages and CBS calls together. show_gene: name of gene to highligh show_range: chromosome name or coordinate string like "chr1:20-30" """ if title is None: title = (cnarr or segments or variants).sample_id if not show_gene and not show_range: # Plot all chromosomes, concatenated on one plot PAD = 1e7 if (cnarr or segments) and variants: # Lay out top 3/5 for the CN scatter, bottom 2/5 for LOH plot axgrid = pyplot.GridSpec(5, 1, hspace=.85) axis = pyplot.subplot(axgrid[:3]) axis2 = pyplot.subplot(axgrid[3:], sharex=axis) # Place chromosome labels between the CNR and LOH plots axis2.tick_params(labelbottom=False) chrom_sizes = plots.chromosome_sizes(cnarr or segments) plots.snv_on_genome(axis2, variants, chrom_sizes, segments, do_trend, PAD) else: _fig, axis = pyplot.subplots() if cnarr or segments: axis.set_title(title) plots.cnv_on_genome(axis, cnarr, segments, PAD, do_trend, y_min, y_max) else: axis.set_title("Variant allele frequencies: %s" % title) chrom_sizes = collections.OrderedDict( (chrom, subarr["end"].max()) for chrom, subarr in variants.by_chromosome()) plots.snv_on_genome(axis, variants, chrom_sizes, segments, do_trend, PAD) else: # Plot a specified region on one chromosome # -r \ -g | None | Some # None | genome| genes w/ auto window # chr | chr | genes w/ no window * # chr:s-e | window| genes w/ given window chrom, start, end = plots.unpack_range(show_range) window_coords = () genes = [] if show_gene: gene_names = show_gene.split(',') # Scan for probes matching the specified gene gene_coords = plots.gene_coords_by_name(cnarr, gene_names) if not len(gene_coords) == 1: raise ValueError("Genes %s are split across chromosomes %s" % (show_gene, gene_coords.keys())) g_chrom, genes = gene_coords.popitem() if chrom: # Confirm that the selected chromosomes match core.assert_equal("Chromosome also selected by region (-r)" "does not match", **{"chromosome": chrom, "gene(s)": g_chrom}) else: chrom = g_chrom # Set the display window to the selected genes +/- a margin genes.sort() window_coords = (max(0, genes[0][0] - window_width), genes[-1][1] + window_width) if start: if window_coords: # Genes were specified, & window was set around them if start > window_coords[0] or end < window_coords[1]: raise ValueError("Selected gene range " + chrom + (":%d-%d" % window_coords) + " is outside specified range " + show_range) if cnarr and not genes: genes = plots.gene_coords_by_range(cnarr, chrom, start, end)[chrom] if not genes and window_width > (end - start) / 10.0: # No genes in the selected region, so highlight the region # itself (unless the selection is ~entire displayed window) genes = [(start, end, "Selection")] window_coords = (max(0, start - window_width), end + window_width) elif show_range and window_coords: # Specified range is only chrom, no start-end # Reset window around selected genes to show the whole chromosome window_coords = () # Prune plotted elements to the selected region sel_probes = (cnarr.in_range(chrom, *window_coords) if cnarr else _CNA([])) sel_seg = (segments.in_range(chrom, *window_coords, mode='trim') if segments else _CNA([]))"Showing %d probes and %d selected genes in range %s", len(sel_probes), len(genes), (chrom + ":%d-%d" % window_coords if window_coords else chrom)) # Similarly for SNV allele freqs, if given if (cnarr or segments) and variants: # Lay out top 3/5 for the CN scatter, bottom 2/5 for LOH plot axgrid = pyplot.GridSpec(5, 1, hspace=.5) axis = pyplot.subplot(axgrid[:3]) axis2 = pyplot.subplot(axgrid[3:], sharex=axis) # Plot allele freqs for only the selected region sel_snvs = variants.in_range(chrom, *window_coords) plots.snv_on_chromosome(axis2, sel_snvs, sel_seg, genes, do_trend, # do_boost, ) elif variants: # XXX tangle # nb: don't do the last call to cnv_on_chromosome _fig, axis = pyplot.subplots() sel_snvs = variants.in_range(chrom, *window_coords) plots.snv_on_chromosome(axis, sel_snvs, sel_seg, genes, do_trend, # do_boost, ) return else: _fig, axis = pyplot.subplots() axis.set_xlabel("Position (Mb)") # Plot CNVs axis.set_title("%s %s" % (title, chrom)) plots.cnv_on_chromosome(axis, sel_probes, sel_seg, genes, background_marker=background_marker, do_trend=do_trend, y_min=y_min, y_max=y_max)
P_scatter = AP_subparsers.add_parser('scatter', help=_cmd_scatter.__doc__) P_scatter.add_argument('filename', nargs="?", help="""Processed bin-level copy ratios (*.cnr), the output of the 'fix' sub-command.""") P_scatter.add_argument('-s', '--segment', help="Segmentation calls (.cns), the output of the 'segment' command.") P_scatter.add_argument('-c', '--chromosome', help="""Chromosome (e.g. 'chr1') or chromosomal range (e.g. 'chr1:2333000-2444000') to display. If a range is given, all targeted genes in this range will be shown, unless '--gene'/'-g' is already given.""") P_scatter.add_argument('-g', '--gene', help="Name of gene or genes (comma-separated) to display.") P_scatter.add_argument('-l', '--range-list', help="""File listing the chromosomal ranges to display, as BED, interval list or "chr:start-end" text. Creates focal plots similar to -c/--chromosome for each listed region, combined into a multi-page PDF. The output filename must also be specified (-o/--output).""") P_scatter.add_argument("-i", "--sample-id", help="""Specify the name of the sample in the VCF to use for LOH analysis and to show in plot title.""") P_scatter.add_argument("-n", "--normal-id", help="Corresponding normal sample ID in the input VCF.") P_scatter.add_argument('-b', '--background-marker', default=None, help="""Plot antitargets with this symbol, in zoomed/selected regions. [Default: same as targets]""") P_scatter.add_argument('-t', '--trend', action='store_true', help="Draw a smoothed local trendline on the scatter plot.") P_scatter.add_argument('-v', '--vcf', help="""VCF file name containing variants to plot for LOH.""") P_scatter.add_argument('-m', '--min-variant-depth', type=int, default=20, help="""Minimum read depth for a variant to be displayed in the LOH plot. [Default: %(default)s]""") P_scatter.add_argument('-w', '--width', type=float, default=1e6, help="""Width of margin to show around the selected gene or region on the chromosome (use with --gene or --region). [Default: %(default)d]""") P_scatter.add_argument('--y-min', type=float, help="""y-axis lower limit.""") P_scatter.add_argument('--y-max', type=float, help="""y-axis upper limit.""") P_scatter.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Output table file name.") P_scatter.set_defaults(func=_cmd_scatter) # loh ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _cmd_loh(args): """[DEPRECATED] Plot allelic frequencies at each variant position in a VCF file. Divergence from 0.5 indicates loss of heterozygosity in a tumor sample. """ variants = _VA.read_vcf(args.variants, args.sample_id, args.normal_id, args.min_depth, skip_hom=True, skip_somatic=True) segments = if args.segment else None _fig, axis = pyplot.subplots() axis.set_title("Variant allele frequencies: %s" % variants.sample_id) chrom_sizes = collections.OrderedDict( (chrom, subarr["end"].max()) for chrom, subarr in variants.by_chromosome()) PAD = 2e7 plots.snv_on_genome(axis, variants, chrom_sizes, segments, args.trend, PAD) if args.output: pyplot.savefig(args.output, format='pdf', bbox_inches="tight") else: P_loh = AP_subparsers.add_parser('loh', help=_cmd_loh.__doc__) P_loh.add_argument('variants', help="Sample variants in VCF format.") P_loh.add_argument('-s', '--segment', help="Segmentation calls (.cns), the output of the 'segment' command.") P_loh.add_argument('-m', '--min-depth', type=int, default=20, help="""Minimum read depth for a variant to be displayed. [Default: %(default)s]""") P_loh.add_argument("-i", "--sample-id", help="Sample name to use for LOH calculations from the input VCF.") P_loh.add_argument("-n", "--normal-id", help="Corresponding normal sample ID in the input VCF.") P_loh.add_argument('-t', '--trend', action='store_true', help="Draw a smoothed local trendline on the scatter plot.") P_loh.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Output PDF file name.") P_loh.set_defaults(func=_cmd_loh) # heatmap --------------------------------------------------------------------- def _cmd_heatmap(args): """Plot copy number for multiple samples as a heatmap.""" cnarrs = list(map(, args.filenames)) do_heatmap(cnarrs, args.chromosome, args.desaturate) if args.output: pyplot.savefig(args.output, format='pdf', bbox_inches="tight")"Wrote %s", args.output) else:
[docs]def do_heatmap(cnarrs, show_range=None, do_desaturate=False): """Plot copy number for multiple samples as a heatmap.""" # ENH - see the zip magic in _cmd_format # Also, for more efficient plotting: # _fig, axis = pyplot.subplots() # List sample names on the y-axis axis.set_yticks([i + 0.5 for i in range(len(cnarrs))]) axis.set_yticklabels([c.sample_id for c in cnarrs]) axis.invert_yaxis() axis.set_ylabel("Samples") axis.set_axis_bgcolor('#DDDDDD') r_chrom, r_start, r_end = plots.unpack_range(show_range) if r_start:"Showing log2 ratios in range %s:%d-%d", r_chrom, r_start, r_end) elif r_chrom:"Showing log2 ratios on chromosome %s", r_chrom) # Group each file's probes/segments by chromosome sample_data = [collections.defaultdict(list) for _c in cnarrs] for i, cnarr in enumerate(cnarrs): if r_chrom: subcna = cnarr.in_range(r_chrom, r_start, r_end) sample_data[i][r_chrom] = list(zip(subcna['start'], subcna['end'], subcna['log2'])) else: for chrom, subcna in cnarr.by_chromosome(): sample_data[i][chrom] = list(zip(subcna['start'], subcna['end'], subcna['log2'])) # Calculate the size (max endpoint value) of each chromosome chrom_sizes = {} for row in sample_data: for chrom, data in iteritems(row): max_posn = max(coord[1] for coord in data) chrom_sizes[chrom] = max(max_posn, chrom_sizes.get(chrom, 0)) chrom_sizes = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(iteritems(chrom_sizes), key=core.sorter_chrom_at(0))) # Closes over do_desaturate, axis def plot_rect(y_idx, x_start, x_end, cvg): """Draw a rectangle in the given coordinates and color.""" x_coords = (x_start, x_start, x_end + 1, x_end + 1) y_coords = (y_idx, y_idx + 1, y_idx + 1, y_idx) rgbcolor = plots.cvg2rgb(cvg, do_desaturate) axis.fill(x_coords, y_coords, color=rgbcolor) if show_range: # Lay out only the selected chromosome # chrom_offsets = {r_chrom: 0.0} # Set x-axis the chromosomal positions (in Mb), title as the chromosome axis.set_xlim((r_start or 0) * plots.MB, (r_end or chrom_sizes[r_chrom]) * plots.MB) axis.set_title(show_range) axis.set_xlabel("Position (Mb)") axis.tick_params(which='both', direction='out') axis.get_xaxis().tick_bottom() axis.get_yaxis().tick_left() # Plot the individual probe/segment coverages for i, row in enumerate(sample_data): for start, end, cvg in row[r_chrom]: plot_rect(i, start * plots.MB, end * plots.MB, cvg) else: # Lay out chromosome dividers and x-axis labels # (Just enough padding to avoid overlap with the divider line) chrom_offsets = plots.plot_x_dividers(axis, chrom_sizes, 1) # Plot the individual probe/segment coverages for i, row in enumerate(sample_data): for chrom, curr_offset in iteritems(chrom_offsets): for start, end, cvg in row[chrom]: plot_rect(i, start + curr_offset, end + curr_offset, cvg)
P_heatmap = AP_subparsers.add_parser('heatmap', help=_cmd_heatmap.__doc__) P_heatmap.add_argument('filenames', nargs='+', help="Sample coverages as raw probes (.cnr) or segments (.cns).") P_heatmap.add_argument('-c', '--chromosome', help="""Chromosome (e.g. 'chr1') or chromosomal range (e.g. 'chr1:2333000-2444000') to display. If a range is given, all targeted genes in this range will be shown, unless '--gene'/'-g' is already given.""") # P_heatmap.add_argument('-g', '--gene', # help="Name of gene to display.") P_heatmap.add_argument('-d', '--desaturate', action='store_true', help="Tweak color saturation to focus on significant changes.") P_heatmap.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Output PDF file name.") P_heatmap.set_defaults(func=_cmd_heatmap) # _____________________________________________________________________________ # Tabular outputs # breaks ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _cmd_breaks(args): """List the targeted genes in which a copy number breakpoint occurs.""" cnarr = segarr = bpoints = do_breaks(cnarr, segarr, args.min_probes)"Found %d gene breakpoints", len(bpoints)) core.write_tsv(args.output, bpoints, colnames=['Gene', 'Chrom.', 'Location', 'Change', 'ProbesLeft', 'ProbesRight'])
[docs]def do_breaks(probes, segments, min_probes=1): """List the targeted genes in which a copy number breakpoint occurs.""" intervals = reports.get_gene_intervals(probes) bpoints = reports.get_breakpoints(intervals, segments, min_probes) return bpoints
P_breaks = AP_subparsers.add_parser('breaks', help=_cmd_breaks.__doc__) P_breaks.add_argument('filename', help="""Processed sample coverage data file (*.cnr), the output of the 'fix' sub-command.""") P_breaks.add_argument('segment', help="Segmentation calls (.cns), the output of the 'segment' command).") P_breaks.add_argument('-m', '--min-probes', type=int, default=1, help="""Minimum number of within-gene probes on both sides of a breakpoint to report it. [Default: %(default)d]""") P_breaks.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Output table file name.") P_breaks.set_defaults(func=_cmd_breaks) # gainloss -------------------------------------------------------------------- def _cmd_gainloss(args): """Identify targeted genes with copy number gain or loss.""" pset = segs = if args.segment else None gainloss = do_gainloss(pset, segs, args.male_reference, args.threshold, args.min_probes, args.drop_low_coverage)"Found %d gene-level gains and losses", len(gainloss)) core.write_tsv(args.output, gainloss, colnames=['Gene', 'Chrom.', 'Start', 'End', 'Log2Ratio', 'Probes'])
[docs]def do_gainloss(probes, segments=None, male_reference=False, threshold=0.2, min_probes=3, skip_low=False): """Identify targeted genes with copy number gain or loss.""" probes = probes.shift_xx(male_reference) if segments: segments = segments.shift_xx(male_reference) gainloss = reports.gainloss_by_segment(probes, segments, threshold, skip_low) else: gainloss = reports.gainloss_by_gene(probes, threshold, skip_low) return [row for row in gainloss if row[5] >= min_probes]
P_gainloss = AP_subparsers.add_parser('gainloss', help=_cmd_gainloss.__doc__) P_gainloss.add_argument('filename', help="""Processed sample coverage data file (*.cnr), the output of the 'fix' sub-command.""") P_gainloss.add_argument('-s', '--segment', help="Segmentation calls (.cns), the output of the 'segment' command).") P_gainloss.add_argument('-t', '--threshold', type=float, default=0.2, help="""Copy number change threshold to report a gene gain/loss. [Default: %(default)s]""") P_gainloss.add_argument('-m', '--min-probes', type=int, default=3, help="""Minimum number of covered probes to report a gain/loss. [Default: %(default)d]""") P_gainloss.add_argument("--drop-low-coverage", action='store_true', help="""Drop very-low-coverage bins before segmentation to avoid false-positive deletions in poor-quality tumor samples.""") P_gainloss.add_argument('-y', '--male-reference', action='store_true', help="""Assume inputs are already corrected against a male reference (i.e. female samples will have +1 log-coverage of chrX; otherwise male samples would have -1 chrX).""") P_gainloss.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Output table file name.") P_gainloss.set_defaults(func=_cmd_gainloss) # gender ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _cmd_gender(args): """Guess samples' gender from the relative coverage of chromosome X.""" outrows = [] for fname in args.targets: rel_chrx_cvg = if args.male_reference: is_xx = (rel_chrx_cvg >= 0.5) else: is_xx = (rel_chrx_cvg >= -0.5) outrows.append((fname, ("Female" if is_xx else "Male"), "%s%.3g" % ('+' if rel_chrx_cvg > 0 else '', rel_chrx_cvg))) core.write_tsv(args.output, outrows) P_gender = AP_subparsers.add_parser('gender', help=_cmd_gender.__doc__) P_gender.add_argument('targets', nargs='+', help="Copy number or copy ratio files (*.cnn, *.cnr).") P_gender.add_argument('-y', '--male-reference', action='store_true', help="""Assume inputs are already normalized to a male reference (i.e. female samples will have +1 log-coverage of chrX; otherwise male samples would have -1 chrX).""") P_gender.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Output table file name.") P_gender.set_defaults(func=_cmd_gender) # metrics --------------------------------------------------------------------- def _cmd_metrics(args): """Compute coverage deviations and other metrics for self-evaluation. """ if (len(args.cnarrays) > 1 and len(args.segments) > 1 and len(args.cnarrays) != len(args.segments)): raise ValueError("Number of coverage/segment filenames given must be " "equal, if more than 1 segment file is given.") # Repeat a single segment file to match the number of coverage files if len(args.cnarrays) > 1 and len(args.segments) == 1: args.segments = [args.segments[0] for _i in range(len(args.cnarrays))] # Calculate all metrics outrows = [] for probes_fname, segs_fname in zip(args.cnarrays, args.segments): cnarr = segments = values = metrics.ests_of_scale(cnarr.drop_low_coverage() .residuals(segments)) outrows.append([core.rbase(probes_fname), len(segments)] + ["%.7f" % val for val in values]) core.write_tsv(args.output, outrows, colnames=("sample", "segments", "stdev", "mad", "iqr", "bivar")) P_metrics = AP_subparsers.add_parser('metrics', help=_cmd_metrics.__doc__) P_metrics.add_argument('cnarrays', nargs='+', help="""One or more bin-level coverage data files (*.cnn, *.cnr).""") P_metrics.add_argument('-s', '--segments', nargs='+', help="""One or more segmentation data files (*.cns, output of the 'segment' command). If more than one file is given, the number must match the coverage data files, in which case the input files will be paired together in the given order. Otherwise, the same segments will be used for all coverage files.""") P_metrics.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Output table file name.") P_metrics.set_defaults(func=_cmd_metrics) # segmetrics ------------------------------------------------------------------ def _cmd_segmetrics(args): """Compute segment-level metrics from bin-level log2 ratios.""" if not 0.0 < args.alpha <= 1.0: raise RuntimeError("alpha must be between 0 and 1.") stats = { 'stdev': np.std, 'mad': metrics.median_absolute_deviation, 'iqr': metrics.interquartile_range, 'bivar': metrics.biweight_midvariance, 'ci': lambda x: metrics.confidence_interval_bootstrap(x, args.alpha, args.bootstrap), 'pi': lambda x: metrics.prediction_interval(x, args.alpha), } if not any(getattr(args, name) for name in stats):"No stats specified") return # Calculate all metrics cnarr = if args.drop_low_coverage: cnarr = cnarr.drop_low_coverage() segarr = deviations = [segbins.log2 - segment.log2 for segment, segbins in cnarr.by_ranges(segarr)] # Measures of spread for statname in ("StDev", "MAD", "IQR", "BiVar"): option = statname.lower() if getattr(args, option): func = stats[option] segarr[statname] = np.asfarray([func(d) for d in deviations]) # Interval calculations if segarr["CI_lo"], segarr["CI_hi"] = _segmetric_interval(segarr, cnarr, stats['ci']) if args.pi: segarr["PI_lo"], segarr["PI_hi"] = _segmetric_interval(segarr, cnarr, stats['pi']) segarr.write(args.output or segarr.sample_id + ".segmetrics.cns") def _segmetric_interval(segarr, cnarr, func): """Compute a stat that yields intervals (low & high values)""" out_vals_lo = np.repeat(np.nan, len(segarr)) out_vals_hi = np.repeat(np.nan, len(segarr)) for i, (_segment, bins) in enumerate(cnarr.by_ranges(segarr)): if len(bins): out_vals_lo[i], out_vals_hi[i] = func(bins) return out_vals_lo, out_vals_hi P_segmetrics = AP_subparsers.add_parser('segmetrics', help=_cmd_segmetrics.__doc__) P_segmetrics.add_argument('cnarray', help="""Bin-level copy ratio data file (*.cnn, *.cnr).""") P_segmetrics.add_argument('-s', '--segments', required=True, help="Segmentation data file (*.cns, output of the 'segment' command).") P_segmetrics.add_argument("--drop-low-coverage", action='store_true', help="""Drop very-low-coverage bins before segmentation to avoid false-positive deletions in poor-quality tumor samples.""") P_segmetrics.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Output table file name.") P_segmetrics_stats = P_segmetrics.add_argument_group( "Statistics available") P_segmetrics_stats.add_argument('--stdev', action='store_true', help="Standard deviation.") P_segmetrics_stats.add_argument('--mad', action='store_true', help="Median absolute deviation (standardized).") P_segmetrics_stats.add_argument('--iqr', action='store_true', help="Inter-quartile range.") P_segmetrics_stats.add_argument('--bivar', action='store_true', help="Tukey's biweight midvariance.") P_segmetrics_stats.add_argument('--ci', action='store_true', help="Confidence interval (by bootstrap).") P_segmetrics_stats.add_argument('--pi', action='store_true', help="Prediction interval.") P_segmetrics_stats.add_argument('-a', '--alpha', type=float, default=.05, help="""Level to estimate confidence and prediction intervals; use with --ci and --pi. [Default: %(default)s]""") P_segmetrics_stats.add_argument('-b', '--bootstrap', type=int, default=100, help="""Number of bootstrap iterations to estimate confidence interval; use with --ci. [Default: %(default)d]""") P_segmetrics.set_defaults(func=_cmd_segmetrics) # _____________________________________________________________________________ # Other I/O and compatibility # import-picard --------------------------------------------------------------- def _cmd_import_picard(args): """Convert Picard CalculateHsMetrics tabular output to CNVkit .cnn files. The input file is generated by the PER_TARGET_COVERAGE option in the CalculateHsMetrics script in Picard tools. """ for fname in importers.find_picard_files(args.targets): cnarr = importers.import_picard_pertargetcoverage(fname) outfname = os.path.basename(fname)[:-4] + '.cnn' if args.output_dir: if not os.path.isdir(args.output_dir): os.mkdir(args.output_dir)"Created directory %s", args.output_dir) outfname = os.path.join(args.output_dir, outfname) cnarr.write(outfname) P_import_picard = AP_subparsers.add_parser('import-picard', help=_cmd_import_picard.__doc__) P_import_picard.add_argument('targets', nargs='*', default=['.'], help="""Sample coverage .csv files (target and antitarget), or the directory that contains them.""") P_import_picard.add_argument('-d', '--output-dir', default='.', help="Output directory name.") P_import_picard.set_defaults(func=_cmd_import_picard) # import-seg ------------------------------------------------------------------ def _cmd_import_seg(args): """Convert a SEG file to CNVkit .cns files.""" if args.chromosomes: if args.chromosomes == 'human': chrom_names = {'23': 'X', '24': 'Y', '25': 'M'} else: chrom_names = dict(kv.split(':') for kv in args.chromosomes.split(',')) else: chrom_names = args.chromosomes for segset in importers.import_seg(args.segfile, chrom_names, args.prefix, args.from_log10): segset.write(os.path.join(args.output_dir, segset.sample_id + '.cns')) P_import_seg = AP_subparsers.add_parser('import-seg', help=_cmd_import_seg.__doc__) P_import_seg.add_argument('segfile', help="""Input file in SEG format. May contain multiple samples.""") P_import_seg.add_argument('-c', '--chromosomes', help="""Mapping of chromosome indexes to names. Syntax: "from1:to1,from2:to2". Or use "human" for the preset: "23:X,24:Y,25:M".""") P_import_seg.add_argument('-p', '--prefix', help="""Prefix to add to chromosome names (e.g 'chr' to rename '8' in the SEG file to 'chr8' in the output).""") P_import_seg.add_argument('--from-log10', action='store_true', help="Convert base-10 logarithm values in the input to base-2 logs.") P_import_seg.add_argument('-d', '--output-dir', default='.', help="Output directory name.") P_import_seg.set_defaults(func=_cmd_import_seg) # import-theta --------------------------------------------------------------- def _cmd_import_theta(args): """Convert THetA output to a BED-like, CNVkit-like tabular format. Equivalently, use the THetA results file to convert CNVkit .cns segments to integer copy number calls. """ tumor_segs = theta = importers.parse_theta_results(args.theta_results) for i, copies in enumerate(theta['C']): # Replace segment values with these integers # Drop any segments where the C value is None new_segs = [] for seg, ncop in zip(tumor_segs.copy(), copies): if ncop is None: continue seg["log2"] = math.log((ncop or 0.5) / args.ploidy, 2) new_segs.append(seg) new_cns = tumor_segs.as_rows(new_segs) new_cns.write(os.path.join(args.output_dir, "%s-%d.cns" % (tumor_segs.sample_id, i + 1))) P_import_theta = AP_subparsers.add_parser('import-theta', help=_cmd_import_theta.__doc__) P_import_theta.add_argument("tumor_cns") P_import_theta.add_argument("theta_results") P_import_theta.add_argument("--ploidy", type=int, default=2, help="Ploidy of the sample cells. [Default: %(default)d]") P_import_theta.add_argument('-d', '--output-dir', default='.', help="Output directory name.") P_import_theta.set_defaults(func=_cmd_import_theta) # export ---------------------------------------------------------------------- P_export = AP_subparsers.add_parser('export', help="""Convert CNVkit output files to another format.""") P_export_subparsers = P_export.add_subparsers( help="Export formats (use with -h for more info).") # BED special case: multiple samples's segments, like SEG def _cmd_export_bed(args): """Convert segments to BED format. Input is a segmentation file (.cns) where, preferably, log2 ratios have already been adjusted to integer absolute values using the 'call' command. """ if args.show_all and == "ploidy": # Until this option is removed, let it override the default logging.warn("Option '--show-all' is deprecated; " "use '--show all' instead.") = "all" bed_tables = [] for segfname in args.segments: segments = # ENH: args.gender as a comma-separated list of genders is_sample_female = verify_gender_arg(segments, args.gender, args.male_reference) tbl = export.export_bed(segments, args.ploidy, args.male_reference, is_sample_female, args.sample_id or segments.sample_id, bed_tables.append(tbl) table = pd.concat(bed_tables) core.write_dataframe(args.output, table, header=False) P_export_bed = P_export_subparsers.add_parser('bed', help=_cmd_export_bed.__doc__) P_export_bed.add_argument('segments', nargs='+', help="""Segmented copy ratio data files (*.cns), the output of the 'segment' or 'call' sub-commands.""") P_export_bed.add_argument("-i", "--sample-id", metavar="LABEL", help="""Identifier to write in the 4th column of the BED file. [Default: use the sample ID, taken from the file name]""") P_export_bed.add_argument("--ploidy", type=int, default=2, help="Ploidy of the sample cells. [Default: %(default)d]") P_export_bed.add_argument("-g", "--gender", choices=('m', 'male', 'Male', 'f', 'female', 'Female'), help="""Specify the sample's gender as male or female. (Otherwise guessed from chrX copy number).""") P_export_bed.add_argument("--show", choices=('ploidy', 'variant', 'all'), default="ploidy", help="""Which segmented regions to show: 'all' = all segment regions; 'variant' = CNA regions with non-neutral copy number; 'ploidy' = CNA regions with non-default ploidy. [Default: %(default)s]""") P_export_bed.add_argument("--show-all", action="store_true", help="""Write all segmented regions. [DEPRECATED; use "--show all" instead]""") P_export_bed.add_argument("-y", "--male-reference", action="store_true", help="""Was a male reference used? If so, expect half ploidy on chrX and chrY; otherwise, only chrY has half ploidy. In CNVkit, if a male reference was used, the "neutral" copy number (ploidy) of chrX is 1; chrY is haploid for either gender reference.""") P_export_bed.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Output file name.") P_export_bed.set_defaults(func=_cmd_export_bed) # SEG special case: segment coords don't match across samples def _cmd_export_seg(args): """Convert segments to SEG format. Compatible with IGV and GenePattern. """ table = export.export_seg(args.filenames) core.write_dataframe(args.output, table) P_export_seg = P_export_subparsers.add_parser('seg', help=_cmd_export_seg.__doc__) P_export_seg.add_argument('filenames', nargs='+', help="""Segmented copy ratio data file(s) (*.cns), the output of the 'segment' sub-command.""") P_export_seg.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Output file name.") P_export_seg.set_defaults(func=_cmd_export_seg) # VCF special case: only 1 sample, for now def _cmd_export_vcf(args): """Convert segments to VCF format. Input is a segmentation file (.cns) where, preferably, log2 ratios have already been adjusted to integer absolute values using the 'call' command. """ segments = is_sample_female = verify_gender_arg(segments, args.gender, args.male_reference) header, body = export.export_vcf(segments, args.ploidy, args.male_reference, is_sample_female, args.sample_id) core.write_text(args.output, header, body) P_export_vcf = P_export_subparsers.add_parser('vcf', help=_cmd_export_vcf.__doc__) P_export_vcf.add_argument('segments', #nargs='1', help="""Segmented copy ratio data file (*.cns), the output of the 'segment' or 'call' sub-commands.""") P_export_vcf.add_argument("-i", "--sample-id", metavar="LABEL", help="""Sample name to write in the genotype field of the output VCF file. [Default: use the sample ID, taken from the file name]""") P_export_vcf.add_argument("--ploidy", type=int, default=2, help="Ploidy of the sample cells. [Default: %(default)d]") P_export_vcf.add_argument("-g", "--gender", choices=('m', 'male', 'Male', 'f', 'female', 'Female'), help="""Specify the sample's gender as male or female. (Otherwise guessed from chrX copy number).""") P_export_vcf.add_argument("-y", "--male-reference", action="store_true", help="""Was a male reference used? If so, expect half ploidy on chrX and chrY; otherwise, only chrY has half ploidy. In CNVkit, if a male reference was used, the "neutral" copy number (ploidy) of chrX is 1; chrY is haploid for either gender reference.""") P_export_vcf.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Output file name.") P_export_vcf.set_defaults(func=_cmd_export_vcf) # THetA special case: takes tumor .cns and normal .cnr or reference.cnn def _cmd_export_theta(args): """Convert segments to THetA2 input file format (*.input).""" outheader, outrows = export.export_theta(args.tumor_segment, args.normal_reference) # if not args.output: # args.output = tumor_segs.sample_id + ".input" core.write_tsv(args.output, outrows, colnames=outheader) P_export_theta = P_export_subparsers.add_parser('theta', help=_cmd_export_theta.__doc__) P_export_theta.add_argument('tumor_segment', help="""Tumor-sample segmentation file from CNVkit (.cns).""") P_export_theta.add_argument('normal_reference', help="""Reference copy number profile (.cnn), or normal-sample bin-level log2 copy ratios (.cnr).""") P_export_theta.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Output file name.") P_export_theta.set_defaults(func=_cmd_export_theta) # Nexus "basic" special case: can only represent 1 sample def _cmd_export_nb(args): """Convert bin-level log2 ratios to Nexus Copy Number "basic" format.""" table = export.export_nexus_basic(args.filename) core.write_dataframe(args.output, table) P_export_nb = P_export_subparsers.add_parser('nexus-basic', help=_cmd_export_nb.__doc__) P_export_nb.add_argument('filename', help="""Log2 copy ratio data file (*.cnr), the output of the 'fix' sub-command.""") P_export_nb.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Output file name.") P_export_nb.set_defaults(func=_cmd_export_nb) # Nexus "Custom-OGT" special case: can only represent 1 sample def _cmd_export_nbo(args): """Convert log2 ratios and b-allele freqs to Nexus "Custom-OGT" format.""" table = export.export_nexus_ogt(args.filename, args.vcf) core.write_dataframe(args.output, table) P_export_nbo = P_export_subparsers.add_parser('nexus-ogt', help=_cmd_export_nbo.__doc__) P_export_nbo.add_argument('filename', help="""Log2 copy ratio data file (*.cnr), the output of the 'fix' sub-command.""") P_export_nbo.add_argument('vcf', help="""VCF of SNVs for the same sample, to calculate b-allele frequencies.""") P_export_nbo.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Output file name.") P_export_nbo.set_defaults(func=_cmd_export_nbo) # All else: export any number of .cnr or .cns files for fmt_key, fmt_descr in ( ('cdt', "Convert log2 ratios to CDT format. Compatible with Java TreeView."), ('jtv', "Convert log2 ratios to Java TreeView's native format."), # Not implemented yet: # 'gct' (GenePattern). ): def _cmd_export_simple(args): sample_ids = list(map(core.fbase, args.filenames)) table = export.merge_samples(args.filenames) formatter = export.EXPORT_FORMATS[fmt_key] outheader, outrows = formatter(sample_ids, table) core.write_tsv(args.output, outrows, colnames=outheader) P_export_simple = P_export_subparsers.add_parser(fmt_key, help=fmt_descr) P_export_simple.add_argument('filenames', nargs='+', help="""Log2 copy ratio data file(s) (*.cnr), the output of the 'fix' sub-command.""") P_export_simple.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Output file name.") P_export_simple.set_defaults(func=_cmd_export_simple) # version --------------------------------------------------------------------- P_version = AP_subparsers.add_parser('version', help=print_version.__doc__) P_version.set_defaults(func=print_version) # _____________________________________________________________________________ # Shim for command-line execution
[docs]def parse_args(args=None): """Parse the command line.""" return AP.parse_args(args=args)