Source code for skgenome.gary

"""Base class for an array of annotated genomic regions."""
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division
from builtins import next, object, zip
from past.builtins import basestring

import logging
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .chromsort import sorter_chrom
from .intersect import by_ranges, into_ranges, iter_ranges
from .merge import flatten, merge
from .rangelabel import to_label
from .subtract import subtract
from .subdivide import subdivide

[docs]class GenomicArray(object): """An array of genomic intervals. Base class for genomic data structures. Can represent most BED-like tabular formats with arbitrary additional columns. """ _required_columns = ("chromosome", "start", "end") _required_dtypes = (str, int, int) def __init__(self, data_table, meta_dict=None): # Validation if (data_table is None or (isinstance(data_table, (list, tuple)) and not len(data_table)) or (isinstance(data_table, pd.DataFrame) and not len(data_table.columns)) ): data_table = self._make_blank() else: if not isinstance(data_table, pd.DataFrame): # Rarely if ever needed -- prefer from_rows, from_columns, etc. data_table = pd.DataFrame(data_table) if not all(c in data_table.columns for c in self._required_columns): raise ValueError("data table must have at least columns %r; " "got %r" % (self._required_columns, tuple(data_table.columns))) # Ensure columns are the right type # (in case they've been automatically converted to the wrong type, # e.g. chromosome names as integers; genome coordinates as floats) if len(data_table): def ok_dtype(col, dt): return isinstance(data_table[col].iat[0], dt) else: def ok_dtype(col, dt): return data_table[col].dtype == np.dtype(dt) for col, dtype in zip(self._required_columns, self._required_dtypes): if not ok_dtype(col, dtype): data_table[col] = data_table[col].astype(dtype) = data_table self.meta = (dict(meta_dict) if meta_dict is not None and len(meta_dict) else {}) @classmethod def _make_blank(cls): """Create an empty dataframe with the columns required by this class.""" spec = list(zip(cls._required_columns, cls._required_dtypes)) try: arr = np.zeros(0, dtype=spec) return pd.DataFrame(arr) except TypeError as exc: raise TypeError("{}: {}".format(exc, spec))
[docs] @classmethod def from_columns(cls, columns, meta_dict=None): """Create a new instance from column arrays, given as a dict.""" table = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(columns) ary = cls(table, meta_dict) ary.sort_columns() return ary
[docs] @classmethod def from_rows(cls, rows, columns=None, meta_dict=None): """Create a new instance from a list of rows, as tuples or arrays.""" if columns is None: columns = cls._required_columns table = pd.DataFrame.from_records(rows, columns=columns) return cls(table, meta_dict)
[docs] def as_columns(self, **columns): """Wrap the named columns in this instance's metadata.""" return self.__class__.from_columns(columns, self.meta)
# return self.__class__([:, columns], self.meta.copy())
[docs] def as_dataframe(self, dframe): """Wrap the given pandas dataframe in this instance's metadata.""" return self.__class__(dframe.reset_index(drop=True), self.meta.copy())
# def as_index(self, index): # """Subset with fancy/boolean indexing; reuse this instance's metadata.""" # """Extract rows by indices, reusing this instance's metadata.""" # if isinstance(index, (int, slice)): # return self.__class__([index], self.meta.copy()) # else: # return self.__class__([index], self.meta.copy())
[docs] def as_rows(self, rows): """Wrap the given rows in this instance's metadata.""" try: out = self.from_rows(rows,, meta_dict=self.meta) except AssertionError: columns = firstrow = next(iter(rows)) raise RuntimeError("Passed %d columns %r, but " "%d elements in first row: %s", len(columns), columns, len(firstrow), firstrow) return out
# Container behaviour def __bool__(self): return bool(len( __nonzero__ = __bool__ # Py2.7 def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and def __len__(self): return len( def __contains__(self, key): return key in def __getitem__(self, index): """Access a portion of the data. Cases: - single integer: a row, as pd.Series - string row name: a column, as pd.Series - a boolean array: masked rows, as_dataframe - tuple of integers: selected rows, as_dataframe """ if isinstance(index, int): # A single row return[index] # return self.as_dataframe([index:index+1]) elif isinstance(index, basestring): # A column, by name return[index] elif (isinstance(index, tuple) and len(index) == 2 and index[1] in # Row index, column index -> cell value return[index] elif isinstance(index, slice): # return self.as_dataframe( return self.as_dataframe([index]) else: # Iterable -- selected row indices or boolean array, probably try: if isinstance(index, type(None)) or len(index) == 0: empty = pd.DataFrame( return self.as_dataframe(empty) except TypeError: raise TypeError("object of type %r " % type(index) + "cannot be used as an index into a " + self.__class__.__name__) return self.as_dataframe([index]) # return self.as_dataframe( def __setitem__(self, index, value): """Assign to a portion of the data.""" if isinstance(index, int):[index] = value elif isinstance(index, basestring):[index] = value elif (isinstance(index, tuple) and len(index) == 2 and index[1] in[index] = value else: assert isinstance(index, slice) or len(index) > 0[index] = value def __delitem__(self, index): return NotImplemented def __iter__(self): return __next__ = next @property def chromosome(self): return['chromosome'] @property def start(self): return['start'] @property def end(self): return['end'] @property def sample_id(self): return self.meta.get('sample_id') # Traversal
[docs] def autosomes(self, also=()): """Select chromosomes w/ integer names, ignoring any 'chr' prefixes.""" with warnings.catch_warnings(): # NB: We're not using the deprecated part of this pandas method # (as_indexer introduced before 0.18.1, deprecated 0.20.1) warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning) kwargs = dict(na=False) if pd.__version__ < "0.20.1": kwargs["as_indexer"] = True is_auto = self.chromosome.str.match(r"(chr)?\d+$", **kwargs) if not is_auto.any(): # The autosomes, if any, are not named with plain integers return self if also: if isinstance(also, basestring): also = [also] for a_chrom in also: is_auto |= (self.chromosome == a_chrom) return self[is_auto]
[docs] def by_arm(self, min_gap_size=1e5, min_arm_bins=50): """Iterate over bins grouped by chromosome arm (inferred).""" # ENH: # - Accept GArray of actual centromere regions as input # -> find largest gap (any size) within cmere region, split there # - Cache centromere locations once found = for chrom, subtable in"chromosome", sort=False): margin = max(min_arm_bins, int(round(.1 * len(subtable)))) if len(subtable) > 2 * margin + 1: # Found a candidate centromere gaps = (subtable.start.values[margin+1:-margin] - subtable.end.values[margin:-margin-1]) cmere_idx = gaps.argmax() + margin + 1 cmere_size = gaps[cmere_idx - margin - 1] else: cmere_idx = 0 cmere_size = 0 if cmere_idx and cmere_size >= min_gap_size: logging.debug("%s centromere at %d of %d bins (size %s)", chrom, cmere_idx, len(subtable), cmere_size) p_arm = subtable.index[:cmere_idx] yield chrom, self.as_dataframe(subtable.loc[p_arm,:]) q_arm = subtable.index[cmere_idx:] yield chrom, self.as_dataframe(subtable.loc[q_arm,:]) else: # No centromere found -- emit the whole chromosome if cmere_idx: logging.debug("%s: Ignoring centromere at %d of %d bins (size %s)", chrom, cmere_idx, len(subtable), cmere_size) else: logging.debug("%s: Skipping centromere search, too small", chrom) yield chrom, self.as_dataframe(subtable)
[docs] def by_chromosome(self): """Iterate over bins grouped by chromosome name.""" # Workaround for pandas 0.18.0 bug: # = for chrom, subtable in"chromosome", sort=False): yield chrom, self.as_dataframe(subtable)
[docs] def by_ranges(self, other, mode='inner', keep_empty=True): """Group rows by another GenomicArray's bin coordinate ranges. For example, this can be used to group SNVs by CNV segments. Bins in this array that fall outside the other array's bins are skipped. Parameters ---------- other : GenomicArray Another GA instance. mode : string Determines what to do with bins that overlap a boundary of the selection. Possible values are: - ``inner``: Drop the bins on the selection boundary, don't emit them. - ``outer``: Keep/emit those bins as they are. - ``trim``: Emit those bins but alter their boundaries to match the selection; the bin start or end position is replaced with the selection boundary position. keep_empty : bool Whether to also yield `other` bins with no overlapping bins in `self`, or to skip them when iterating. Yields ------ tuple (other bin, GenomicArray of overlapping rows in self) """ for bin_row, subrange in by_ranges(,, mode, keep_empty): if len(subrange): yield bin_row, self.as_dataframe(subrange) elif keep_empty: yield bin_row, self.as_rows(subrange)
[docs] def coords(self, also=()): """Iterate over plain coordinates of each bin: chromosome, start, end. Parameters ---------- also : str, or iterable of strings Also include these columns from `self`, in addition to chromosome, start, and end. Example, yielding rows in BED format: >>> probes.coords(also=["gene", "strand"]) """ cols = list(GenomicArray._required_columns) if also: if isinstance(also, basestring): cols.append(also) else: cols.extend(also) coordframe =[:, cols] return coordframe.itertuples(index=False)
[docs] def labels(self): return, axis=1)
[docs] def in_range(self, chrom=None, start=None, end=None, mode='inner'): """Get the GenomicArray portion within the given genomic range. Parameters ---------- chrom : str or None Chromosome name to select. Use None if `self` has only one chromosome. start : int or None Start coordinate of range to select, in 0-based coordinates. If None, start from 0. end : int or None End coordinate of range to select. If None, select to the end of the chromosome. mode : str As in `by_ranges`: ``outer`` includes bins straddling the range boundaries, ``trim`` additionally alters the straddling bins' endpoints to match the range boundaries, and ``inner`` excludes those bins. Returns ------- GenomicArray The subset of `self` enclosed by the specified range. """ if isinstance(start, (int, np.int64, float, np.float64)): start = [int(start)] if isinstance(end, (int, np.int64, float, np.float64)): end = [int(end)] results = iter_ranges(, chrom, start, end, mode) return self.as_dataframe(next(results))
[docs] def in_ranges(self, chrom=None, starts=None, ends=None, mode='inner'): """Get the GenomicArray portion within the specified ranges. Similar to `in_ranges`, but concatenating the selections of all the regions specified by the `starts` and `ends` arrays. Parameters ---------- chrom : str or None Chromosome name to select. Use None if `self` has only one chromosome. starts : int array, or None Start coordinates of ranges to select, in 0-based coordinates. If None, start from 0. ends : int array, or None End coordinates of ranges to select. If None, select to the end of the chromosome. If `starts` and `ends` are both specified, they must be arrays of equal length. mode : str As in `by_ranges`: ``outer`` includes bins straddling the range boundaries, ``trim`` additionally alters the straddling bins' endpoints to match the range boundaries, and ``inner`` excludes those bins. Returns ------- GenomicArray Concatenation of all the subsets of `self` enclosed by the specified ranges. """ table = pd.concat(iter_ranges(, chrom, starts, ends, mode)) return self.as_dataframe(table)
[docs] def into_ranges(self, other, column, default, summary_func=None): """Re-bin values from `column` into the corresponding ranges in `other`. Match overlapping/intersecting rows from `other` to each row in `self`. Then, within each range in `other`, extract the value(s) from `column` in `self`, using the function `summary_func` to produce a single value if multiple bins in `self` map to a single range in `other`. For example, group SNVs (self) by CNV segments (other) and calculate the median (summary_func) of each SNV group's allele frequencies. Parameters ---------- other : GenomicArray Bins to column : string Column name in `self` to extract values from. default Value to assign to indices in `other` that do not overlap any bins in `self`. Type should be the same as or compatible with the output field specified by `column`, or the output of `summary_func`. summary_func : callable, dict of string-to-callable, or None Specify how to reduce 1 or more `other` rows into a single value for the corresponding row in `self`. - If callable, apply to the `column` field each group of rows in `other` column. - If a single-element dict of column name to callable, apply to that field in `other` instead of `column`. - If None, use an appropriate summarizing function for the datatype of the `column` column in `other` (e.g. median of numbers, concatenation of strings). - If some other value, assign that value to `self` wherever there is an overlap. Returns ------- pd.Series The extracted and summarized values from `self` corresponding to other's genomic ranges, the same length as `other`. """ if column not in self: logging.warning("No '%s' column available for summary calculation", column) return pd.Series(np.repeat(default, len(other))) return into_ranges(,, column, default, summary_func)
# Modification
[docs] def add(self, other): """Combine this array's data with another GenomicArray (in-place). Any optional columns must match between both arrays. """ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): raise ValueError("Argument (type %s) is not a %s instance" % (type(other), self.__class__)) if not len( return self.copy() =, ignore_index=True) self.sort()
[docs] def concat(self, others): """Concatenate several GenomicArrays, keeping this array's metadata. This array's data table is not implicitly included in the result. """ table = pd.concat([ for otr in others], ignore_index=True) result = self.as_dataframe(table) result.sort() return result
[docs] def copy(self): """Create an independent copy of this object.""" return self.as_dataframe(
[docs] def add_columns(self, **columns): """Add the given columns to a copy of this GenomicArray. Parameters ---------- **columns : array Keyword arguments where the key is the new column's name and the value is an array of the same length as `self` which will be the new column's values. Returns ------- GenomicArray or subclass A new instance of `self` with the given columns included in the underlying dataframe. """ # return self.as_dataframe(**columns)) result = self.copy() for key, values in columns.items(): result[key] = values return result
[docs] def keep_columns(self, colnames): """Extract a subset of columns, reusing this instance's metadata.""" colnames = return self.__class__([:, colnames], self.meta.copy())
[docs] def drop_extra_columns(self): """Remove any optional columns from this GenomicArray. Returns ------- GenomicArray or subclass A new copy with only the minimal set of columns required by the class (e.g. chromosome, start, end for GenomicArray; may be more for subclasses). """ table =[:, self._required_columns] return self.as_dataframe(table)
[docs] def filter(self, func=None, **kwargs): """Take a subset of rows where the given condition is true. Parameters ---------- func : callable A boolean function which will be applied to each row to keep rows where the result is True. **kwargs : string Keyword arguments like ``chromosome="chr7"`` or ``gene="Antitarget"``, which will keep rows where the keyed field equals the specified value. Return ------ GenomicArray Subset of `self` where the specified condition is True. """ table = if func is not None: table = table[table.apply(func, axis=1)] for key, val in list(kwargs.items()): assert key in self table = table[table[key] == val] return self.as_dataframe(table)
[docs] def shuffle(self): """Randomize the order of bins in this array (in-place).""" order = np.arange(len( np.random.seed(0xA5EED) np.random.shuffle(order) =[order] return order
[docs] def sort(self): """Sort this array's bins in-place, with smart chromosome ordering.""" sort_key = = ( .sort_values(by=['_sort_key_', 'start', 'end'], kind='mergesort') .drop('_sort_key_', axis=1) .reset_index(drop=True))
[docs] def sort_columns(self): """Sort this array's columns in-place, per class definition.""" extra_cols = [] for col in if col not in self._required_columns: extra_cols.append(col) sorted_colnames = list(self._required_columns) + sorted(extra_cols) assert len(sorted_colnames) == len( =
# Genome arithmetic
[docs] def cut(self, other, combine=None): """Split this array's regions at the boundaries in `other`.""" # TODO return NotImplemented
[docs] def flatten(self, combine=None, split_columns=None): """Split this array's regions where they overlap.""" return self.as_dataframe(flatten(, combine=combine, split_columns=split_columns))
[docs] def merge(self, bp=0, stranded=False, combine=None): """Merge adjacent or overlapping regions into single rows. Similar to 'bedtools merge'. """ return self.as_dataframe(merge(, bp, stranded, combine))
[docs] def resize_ranges(self, bp, chrom_sizes=None): """Resize each genomic bin by a fixed number of bases at each end. Bin 'start' values have a minimum of 0, and `chrom_sizes` can specify each chromosome's maximum 'end' value. Similar to 'bedtools slop'. Parameters ---------- bp : int Number of bases in each direction to expand or shrink each bin. Applies to 'start' and 'end' values symmetrically, and may be positive (expand) or negative (shrink). chrom_sizes : dict of string-to-int Chromosome name to length in base pairs. If given, all chromosomes in `self` must be included. """ table = limits = dict(lower=0) if chrom_sizes: limits['upper'] = self.chromosome.replace(chrom_sizes) table = table.assign(start=(table['start'] - bp).clip(**limits), end=(table['end'] + bp).clip(**limits)) if bp < 0: # Drop any bins that now have zero or negative size ok_size = table['end'] - table['start'] > 0 logging.debug("Dropping %d bins with size <= 0", (~ok_size).sum()) table = table[ok_size] # Don't modify the original return self.as_dataframe(table.copy())
[docs] def squash(self, combine=None): """Combine some groups of rows, by some criteria, into single rows.""" # TODO return NotImplemented
[docs] def subdivide(self, avg_size, min_size=0, verbose=False): """Split this array's regions into roughly equal-sized sub-regions.""" return self.as_dataframe(subdivide(, avg_size, min_size, verbose))
[docs] def subtract(self, other): """Remove the overlapping regions in `other` from this array.""" return self.as_dataframe(subtract(,
[docs] def total_range_size(self): """Total number of bases covered by all (merged) regions.""" if not len(self): return 0 regions = merge(, bp=1) return regions.end.sum() - regions.start.sum()
def _get_gene_map(self): """Map unique gene names to their indices in this array. Returns ------- OrderedDict An (ordered) dictionary of unique gene names and the data indices of their segments in the order of occurrence (genomic order). """ if 'gene' not in return OrderedDict() genes = OrderedDict() for idx, genestr in['gene'].iteritems(): if pd.isnull(genestr): continue for gene in genestr.split(','): if gene not in genes: genes[gene] = [] genes[gene].append(idx) return genes